Chapter 16

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Athena felt as if time slowed around her, like the world ceased to spin and she was in the middle of it. She didn't feel it when she hit the cement, only a soft thud and a sharp pain in her left arm and leg as she tried to stop herself from falling. Once she was completely on the ground, she looked up and saw the ship in the air and flying away.

Athena laid on the ground for only a moment and sat up, watching the ship fly away into the distance, becoming only a dot in the horizon.

Athena lifted her left hand, still blackened with red stripes, but a little more purple.

She winced and hissed in pain as she tried to bend her wrist. It was broke. She then looked at her left leg, now blue and purple and red with blood and bruises. She tried to get up, but immediately regretted doing so. Her leg seemed to be broke along with her left wrist.It was useless to try and get up.

"Kanan? Rae?" Athena called out, even though it was hopeless.

Athena just sat there on the hot cement, her legs burning on the scorching ground.

"Anyone?" Athena called out.

There was no sound other than the sizzle of the road and the soft wind across the landscape.

Athena sighed, "It's hopeless."

"No evil is stronger than hope," a female voice echoed through Athena's mind.

"Hope? How can I have hope?" Athena asked out loud.

"You are a Dume, start acting like one," the voice said.

"No I'm not, I'm just a little girl with a broken wrist and leg in the middle of a road," Athena spoke back.

"Yes; you are a Dume. You are smart, use that to your benefit," the voice echoed.

Athena sighed and started to think.

"I have my phone, what can I do with that?" Athena wondered.

"Maybe I can call Rae," Athena said to herself. "No, she's still fighting Jalo."

Athena began to think again.

"Do I still have the com?" Athena asked herself, out loud. Athena used her right hand and dug in her front pocket and pulled out Kanan's com.

She was overjoyed and pressed the button.

"Hello?" Athena said into the com.

"Athena? Are you okay?" Sabine's voice said over the com.

"Barely. I fell off Jalo's ship and broke a few bones. Kanan and Rae are still on Jalo's ship fighting," Athena explained into the com, holding back any pain Sabine could hear in Athena's voice.

"Where are you?" Sabine asked.

"I'm in the middle of a road and I'm not sure what to do," Athena spoke over the com.

"I'll get Hera," Sabine said. There was a small pause before Hera's voice came on.

"Athena?" Hera said over the com.

"I'm here," Athena said.

"How are you feeling?" Hera asked.

"When can you get here?" Athena asked, ignoring the question.

"We'll be able to get there in an hour or two. Are you okay? Where's Kanan?" Hera questioned.

"He and Rae are fighting Jalo on top of Jalo's ship. I fell off and I think I have a few broken bones," Athena told.

"Don't move, I'll track this call and we'll come get you and Kanan, along with Rae," Hera instructed.

"Will do.I'm just gonna get off the road," Athena said.

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