Chapter 14

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Athena and Kanan were now asleep in the back seats about a few hours after they had talked to the crew. Rae was still driving, the radio softly playing music. It was nearly sunset and they were passing some fields with the sun making the sky look orange with not a car nor home in sight. Rae was really enjoying this Earth weather, it was very nice compared to where she used to live.

Athena leaned her head on Kanan and used him as a pillow. Kanan was too tired to notice or care. Kanan was now back in his t-shirt and jeans after he had changed in a port-o-potty at a construction zone.

Rae was bored, "Can either one of you wake up?" she said quietly.

Athena moaned a little and moved a little, now using Kanan's shoulder as a pillow. Rae turned on some music on her phone. It started to softly play; Centuries by Fall out boy.

Du du du-du, du du du-du
Du du du-du, du du du-du
Du du...

Rae started to turn the volume up.

Some legends are told
Some turn to dust or to gold
But you will remember me
Remember me for centuries
And just one mistake
Is all it will take
We'll go down in history
Remember me for centuries
He-e-e-ey ya, oh he-e-e-ey
He-e-e-ey ya
Remember me for centuries

Rae was disappointed that neither Kanan nor Athena woke up, so she started to blare the music.

Mummified my teenage dreams
No, it's nothing wrong with me

Athena and Kanan sat up, fully awake. 

"What was that for?!" Athena yelled.

"I was bored," Rae answered with a small chuckled.

"So you decided to wake us up?" Kanan complained.

"Yep," Rae answered.

"That's rude," complained Athena.

"Fine, I'll turn it off," Rae said as she turned off her music.

"How long have you been driving?" Athena asked.

"You two fell asleep about three hours ago," Rae answered.

"Any sign of Jalo?" Kanan asked.

"Not yet," Rae answered coldly.

"Where do you think he is?" Athena asked.

"I don't know," Rae told. Her voice obviously filled with hurt and hatred towards the man she was speaking of.

Nothing was said for a minute or two until a large boom was heard and a large cloud of debris in front of the car, Rae swerved to miss to large crater with a scream from each person to follow. Athena and Kanan looked out the back window to see the large ship that had was all too familiar. Not in a good way. Kanan swore under his breath.

"Aw, vamos!" Athena exclaimed. "Jalo found us."

"What?!" Rae shouted.

"Get over, I'll drive," Athena ordered. Rae moved over to the passenger seat and Athena flinched once she grabbed the wheel, but drove on.

"What's the plan now?" Kanan asked.

"To not die," Athena answered as she floored the car forward.

The New Girl, from Earth (A Star Wars Rebels fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now