Chapter 3

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Me: Kenny you know I can't swim right?

Kenny: Yes, that's why we're here.
*He said getting out*

Me: Well I guess I'm staying here.
*I said to myself*

Kenny was getting something navy blue and white out, but I couldn't really see it. I saw him coming to my side to open door, I tried locking it but he had the key, and I have forgotten all about it. So, Kenny picks me up and puts me on his shoulder as I squirmed trying to get out, he was too strong so I gave in.

Me: I'm not getting into the water I don't even have a bathing suit!!
*I said squirming*

*didn't say a word*


*He gave me the bathing suit I saw him get out the trunk.*

Kenny: Put this on and I promise you I wouldn't let you drown.
*He said looking me in the eyes*

Me: Alright but if I drown and die, I'm going to come back and haunt you in your sleep.

*Kenny laughed as he walked out.*

After I put on the bathing suit, I walked out and saw Kenny standing by the pool waiting, with his trunks on with no shirt. He looked good with his shirt off but I contained myself and just walked over.

Kenny: Wow it fits better than I thought.

Me: Yeah, how'd you know my size?

Kenny: I've known you for seven years, you thought I wouldn't find out?

Me: Ok then, well where are the floaties?
*I said looking around*

Kenny: You don't need them.

Me: Have you even met me?

Kenny: Yes, have you met me?

Me: I'm wishing i hadn't.

Kenny: Come on.

After he said that, he grabbed my hand and took me into the water. I was very scared and nervous, but at the same time I felt safe since he was here. Although, when we reached about 6 feet I felt my stomach drop so I closed my eyes and before I knew it is was on his back and he was swimming.

Kenny: See its not so bad.

Me: Well your like a fish so...

Kenny: Well your a cat, because you can't stand water.
*He said with a smirk*

Me: touché, even though that was like so corny...
*I responded laughing*

After about 5 minutes of swimming on his back, I got out to wipe my face and I turned around he was right behind me and startled me. He told me to "get in and try my self," I refused so he picked me up, threw me in and before I knew it I was drowning, but before I did Kenny came and took my hand again. Then we were swimming, together. Which felt amazing. Soon enough, I was swimming by myself. Which was even more great. We were there for about an hour and my fingers were getting wrinkles, so we got out.


Kenny: Your not as bad as you say Jay.

Me: Thanks. Even though you almost made me drown.
*I said as I pushed him*

Kenny: Your welcome
*We both laughed*

*Edited by Ci-licious

*Edited by RylDivision

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