Chapter 3: The First Gift

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(Flurry's POV)
We arrived at school with a screeching halt, which only heightened my now piercing migraine. I stuffed my phone in my pocket as I walked to the front of the bus, simultaneously pinching the bridge of my nose and rubbing my temple. I stepped of the bus...

" Got another one of your 'headaches', Flurry?" came the mocking voice of Dana, the head cheerleader and complete and utter idiotic mean girl of the school.

" Is it really your concern, or are you just gonna make those comments about how I'm faking, which just make you sound like an idiot."

She looked ready to tackle me, but managed to say,"An idiot? Why would I stoop to your level?"

" Stoop?", I asked with an inquiring tone." Girl, if you wanna reach my level, you better start climbing." As I finished the sentence, my eyes glared daggers.

" Oh why haven't you killed yourself already, Flurry?" She she hung and shook her head in fake exasperation, then let a wicked  grin spread across her face as she looked up at me," You're such a tragedy after all."

I let out a fake laugh; her words stung, they were words I thought myself, but like heck I'd let her see that she hurt me. " Danasha, if I wanted to kill myself, I would jump from the top of your ego, all the way down to your IQ." I centered my eyes on her, and she visibly gulped. "Why don't you Flurry on along?", she said with a shaky voice.

" Good rhyme skill, I'll give you that, but you still sound like an idiot." I gave my own wicked smile," Like that time you tried to recite Shakespeare, hmmm?" I laughed bitterly and turned away.

" I know one thing that you can't do better than me.", came her desperate voice.


"You can't sing as well as me." She replied, her voice going back to it's normal tone, if you can call an idiotic mix of stupidity and evil laughter a "tone".

"Oh.", I repeated, the word no longer a question, but a statement.

"Is that all you can say?", she sneered.

"Yes.", I replied with the same venom, but with a cocked head and innocent face.

"Anyway," she called, loud enough for most people bustling around to hear,"Let's see who wins." There was now a small circle around us, it's size rapidly growing.

"You start." I said.

She did indeed begin, and thank God, her voice was absolutely horrible. She was singing One Call Away by Charlie Puth, but it sounded more like an exotic bird's mating call.

Once she finished, most people clapped, afraid of getting called out. Then they look at me, most likely thinking that Danasha's distorted voice was amazing compared to mine.

Boy were they wrong.

One song clicked into my mind. Perfect. I felt a wicked grin grow across my face.

I lifted my eyes to the sky, and sang.

(Nico's POV)
I was the last one to get of the bus. As I was getting off, I saw a herd of people. There seemed to be trouble. 

So, naturally, I walked towards it.

************Very short time skip brought to you by Bob*******************************

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