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Dear No One,

If you had something to say you'd say it. It's over. You stopped loving me a long time ago. And maybe I was too dumb to realize that. I was so filled with hope that you still loved me, I forgot about the key factors of what it means to love someone. So I'm alright with losing this one. Things are fine the way they are now. I mean it this time. After all the waiting and thinking and reflecting I'm putting my foot down. If you have nothing to say, or no motivation left in you, fine, it's over.

You're different now, and one way or another I'm gonna have to accept that you aren't the one that loved me and you aren't the one where I could make you happy, anymore. I just hope you move on too. Because if you come back, all I'll feel again are the feelings I never could get rid of. You're probably better off this way, anyways. Better off without me.

Everybody's gotta wake up one day. I just happened to finally face reality today.

This isn't the end. It's just the end of a chapter. A really good chapter. These chapters are the ones you never want to end and you're so engrossed in, you wish it would never cease. It's the kind that you want to snuggle up with in bed and fall asleep dreaming sweetly about it. It's the kind of chapter you can remember word for word. It's the kind of chapter that makes you giddy inside and you can't help but smile when you recall it. That's the really good chapter that's coming to a close in my life. It was a bittersweet ending.

Thank you for being so good to me. Though you will never find this, I hope you know how grateful I am to have memories with you. The time we spent made me happy, and honestly I'm miserable now. But missing you won't bring you back, I know that. Maybe one day we will both find our happy endings, even though they weren't with each other. I will never forget our time together, and I hope you are successful in life. I want what's best for you. And I want you to accomplish your dreams. Thank you for the best chapter in my life. This is goodbye for now.

- Wanderer ❖

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