Part three

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"Wake up, wake up, wake up," Lily yelled jumping up and down in my bed. Deja vu. "This is getting really annoying Lily. I don't like it. And one day, your gonna experience it and hate it too," I said. I groaned and remembered that I didn't pack my clothes in the closet. I threw my sheet aside and jumped off the bed, strolling to where my suitcase was.

I rolled it across the room to the closet and packed my clothes in it with Lily's help. What shouldn't be in the closet was put where they belonged. After, I did my morning routine and put on my undergarments and black mini dress and sneakers, I run down the stairs. "Good morning," I greeted. Mom looked extra stunning today.

She was wearing black leggings and a white crop top with a pink sweater that was open. She was also wearing black flats with pink bows on the top and her hair was tied up in a bun with a white cloth.

"Wow! I look that good?" She asked. "Gee mom. The best I've seen you all my life," I said. "Whose the boyfriend?" Lily came in the kitchen asking. "Gee Lily," I rolled my eyes. "I'm going to dinner with a guy. I met him last week. Remember that guy Lily? The tall muscular one?" Mom asked. "Yeah! The one that bought me chocolate?" Lily asked. "Yeah that one. His name is Luke and he's taking me on a date. You have the house all to yourselves," she winked. She skipped out of the house and slammed the door shut.

"Just like a child," I said.

"Literally," Lily retorted. "Don't you see she's a little girl trapped in a 41 years old body?" Lily shook her head.

"And you're a 2 year old trapped in a 9 years old body," I teased. "And you're a 10 years old trapped in a 20 years old body," she continued.

"Lets go for a walk," I told Lily. She nodded and I raced to the door. "Race you to the corner shop," I yelled. As soon as I stepped out of the house someone was beside me. I bumped into someone. (Picture it in slo mo).

"Why do I keep bumping into people?" I mumbled to myself. "Gizzelle?" The person asked. I looked up and infront of me was Chris. "Chris? Wow. I see you again," I said, a big smile spread across my face. "What's up?" I asked. "Oh. I was just going for a walk. What about you?" He asked. "Me too. With my sister, Lily."

"Thought you'd never introduce me to your boyfriend," Lily said. "What?" Me and Chris yelled at her. "We're not-" we started. However Lily stopped us. "Save it for the stupid people," she said, holding her hand up to us.

"So we still up for this race?" Lily asked. "Sure. Chris you want in?" I asked him. "Sure. Where to?" He asked. "You'll know. WHEN I WIN!!!" I shouted and ran off.

Lily was catching up and I must say she's pretty fast for a 9 years old child. Soon after Chris was jogging beside me. "Hi," he greeted. I panted like a wild animal and spoke. "How-are-you-so fast?" I asked him breathlessly.

"I run everyday," he told me. "HEY GUYS!!" Lily shouted from behind. The shop was near and I tried to run faster. I winked at Chris and he widened his eyes and slowed down. I took advantage of it and ran faster.

Finally I reached the shop panting harshly and then Chris came up. It took a few seconds before Lily came into view. "You guys are-fast," she said panting like me. Oh shit. I started to wheeze, forgetting I had asthma. My chest started to tighten and sweat was streaming down my face.

"Oh my god. I forgot she had asthma. Wh-wh-what'd I do?" Lily asked. Chris rubbed my back. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Ifn," I tried to speak. Chris led me to the house I got aided at yesterday. "Whdedoinhere?" I asked. I was trying to say 'what are we doing here' but they wouldn't know.

"Anabelle. Get me some water please," Chris pleaded. He sat me down on the stool and rushed into the house for something. He came back out with a thin book and fanned me with it. Anabelle came out with a glass of water.

I took it and drank it down in seconds.

Chris was still fanning me.

"Do you want more water?" He asked me. I nodded slowly and put my hand to my chest. It was getting hotter and my chest was tightening more. My breathing wasn't steady and I felt like a dead person. "Here," Chris hands me another glass of water and I downed that in seconds.

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My breathing was coming back and my chest was loosening. "Do you want to go back home?" Chris asked. I nodded. He helped me up and we slowly walked out of Anabelle's house. My sister was no where in sight. And I started to panic. "Where's my-" I started. I started to breath heavily and Chris held my hand. "Hey, hey. Calm down. She's fine. She's sleeping in Anabelle's house," he said.

It took me a few seconds to Slow my breathing and it was steady again.

After I reached home, Chris told me to sit down and he would get my sister. I nodded and he left.

After a few minutes he was back with my sleeping sister. "Put, her, up, stairs," I stuttered. He nodded and went up the stairs. He came back down in a matter of seconds and smiled. "So I guess its bye-bye time now. Get some rest," he said then turned away.

I grabbed his hand to stop him and a feeling of electricity sparked all through my body. He looked at me. "Stay," I said.






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