Part sixteen

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Chris' POV

I saw that I got a missed call and checked for who it was since my sister was busy nagging me about how she wants to meet up with Gizzelle because she's so nice and how we'd make a cute couple. I looked at the missed call and my heart skipped a beat when I saw Gizzelle's name in the notification bar.

I excitedly pressed it and it went to call. It rang and rang and rang and was answered. "Hello," she said. I smiled and answered her with a hi!

"Oh Chris. Could you-could you come over? I wanna talk to you about something," she said. I knew confusion was written all over my face but I said ok and hung up.

"Ana, I'll be back soon," I said to my sister. "You know you never spend time with me anymore!?" She said. "Its Gizzelle," I declared. She widened her eyes and smiled. "Go on. Hurry, hurry," she shooed me away.

I shook my head and made my way to Gizzelle's.

^_^         ^_^         ^_^

I knocked at the door and heard shuffling in the background. "Coming," Gizzelle said. The door opened after a few and she peeked her head out. "Oh. Come in," she said opening the door wider.

I walked in And went to the living room where I took my seat. "What did you wanna talk about?" I asked getting straight to the point. She fiddled with her hand and bit her lips before looking away. She sighed and sat down beside me in the sofa popping on of he legs up on the sofa.

"My sister told me something," She said. "Really?" I raised an eyebrow. "What?" I asked curiously? She  sighed again and looked down.

"She said at the hospital you told her you liked me," she said. I widened my eyes and held my head down, which I knew I was blushing.

I sighed and opened my mouth to say something but nothing came. I nodded my head slowly and played with my fingers. "Really?" She asked, a little excited and a little shy. I slowly raised my head and looked at her blushing like crazy. "I-kinda like you too," she said.

Well I kinda knew, I wanted to say.

But instead I stared at her. She looked down. "Ana doesn't stop bugging me to date you. So I guess this is my chance to ask......will you be my girlfriend?" I asked her.

She looked up and a smile slowly played on her lips. She jumped into my arms and hugged me mumbling "Yes! Yes! Yes!" I hugged her back with a smile on my face and tightened my grip on her.

"Awe! That's so sweet!" Lily said from upstairs holding her hands to her heart. I rolled my eyes and Giz glared at her. "Aren't you supposed to be in your room?" She asked her. Lily looked sad and held her head down and Giz smiled. "But you can get a hug!!" She said. Lily looked up a smile in her lips.

She ran down the stairs and jumped on us, pulling us into a hug. "You too will make a good couple, create Great babies and due happily," she declared. Giz and I looked at each other before looking back on Lily. "What do you know about creating babies?" I asked her. She smiled sheepishly and shrugged.

"I'm smart. And when I say smart, I mean smart as f-"

I clapped my hand over her mouth and widened my eyes Along with Giz. We all laughed.

Gizzelle's POV
Night came around and I decided to make dinner. "What to make for dinner! Hmm!!" I said. I went to the living room and asked both of them what to make. Lily was leaned against Chris' chest. "Spaghetti and meatballs," Lily said. "Agreed!" Chris said I smiled and he smiled.

"You done giving each other googly eyes?" Lily asked. I shook my head and Chris rolled his eyes. "You are corny little child, you know that right?!" She smiled and shrugged.

I finished making dinner and served it to Lily and Chris. Worried and wondering, I called my mom and she answered.  "Mom, how comes your not home yet?" I asked. She said she is in a cab and on her way. That we should eat and get rest because she might stop at a bar and get a drink or two.

^_^          ^_^         ^_^

We finished eating and Lily was showering. Chris went home a few minutes ago. Its so good to have him as a boyfriend. I really like him. The door pulled a d in came mom. I smiled and went to hug her. "You're home!" I said. She agreed and put the things in the sofa.

I sat beside her and blushed. "Did-I-tell you that-Chris is my-boyfriend?" I asked. Her face brightened and she smiled and hugged me. "Really? Oh my god. That is amazing. I am tired. Goodnight," and she got up.

I sighed and got up and went to my room. Bling Bling!

My phone went notifying I had a message. I took it up a d wrote my password before going in it.

Chris: Hey babe💝

Me: Hi bubz😻

Chris: What's up?

Me: Not much. I was about
to go to bed. How about u?

Chris: Thinking about you.

Me: 😳😍

    💝💝     💝💝   
💝     Miss you!    💝

Me: I miss you too💟💝💖
So Sleeeeeeepy💨

Chris: Ok. Goodnight!

Me: Yeah. Goodnight!

And then I went to bed.






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