Part twelve

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Gizzelle's POV

As I blinked my eyes multiple times to regain my vision, my eyes stared to burn and my head hurt. I could feel the tears building up in the back of my eyes but I pushed it to the back of mind. Its not time to cry.

I sat up and put my hand to my forehead. I felt dizzy and lightheaded. I got off my bed and went downstairs to the kitchen. It was empty but I still looked around.

When I was sure no one else was there I went to one of the cupboards and searched for an aspirin. I found it and went to the sink to drink some water. My hands were trembling and I felt scared. I felt like falling but I held on to the sink for support.

Its gonna take a long time to get used to not having a dad around anymore.

I went to the island and sat down. "You have a fever," Chris said. I shook my head lightly. I took my time to go upstairs to shower.

^_^            ^_^         ^_^

After my shower I put on a tank top and a black underwear. I laid down on my bed and thought about all the good times me and my dad had together. Which was unexpected because I didn't wanna think about him.

Just thinking of him made me fall asleep dreaming of him.


I woke up early and looked around. My headache was gone but I still felt dizzy and lightheaded. Lily walked in my room and smiled at me a sad one. I couldn't smile back and I didn't know why.

I couldn't move and it felt like all my tears dried up. I felt paralyzed.

I blinked and just stared at Lily. "Are you okay?" She asked me. I gave her a faltered fake smile and nodded. Why do I feel so useless?

Mom came into my room and sighed, looking like she was about to cry. "My boss called yesterday and said he wants me to work for the week but I'll work til tomorrow," she said sadly. I felt like to cry again. Mom can't work and leave me here, but then again that's how she gets money for food and other stuff. "I don't want to leave you guys. I just can't," she said and started to cry.

I tried my hardest to sit up and passed. "Its okay mom. You can go," I said hoarsely and softly. "I wouldn't want you guys to be stuck with me here sick and all. I'll just take up your fun time.

"I know it sounds like bullshit!" I exclaimed and let out a soft laugh. "But its for the best."

"And Lily, I'm sick. Its not like I'll be able to play with you. You can go with mom. Or go to a friend's house. I promise I'll be fine," I coughed and Lily stared at me with tears in her eyes. "I don't wanna leave you," she said.

"You're sick and, and, and-"

"Lily!! Please go. For me....please!"

We were silent for a few minutes and I knew Lily was thinking because she had her thinking face on. "Okay. But I'm calling Chris," she blurted out. I widened my eyes and shook my head. "No Lily its fine," I said.

"No. I'm not gonna leave you here. You're the only thing I have as sibling and I plan to keep that in my head. So I hope you do too. Cause I'm not gonna lose you" she retorted. Knowing that I wouldn't win, I sighed and lowered my head.

She grabbed my phone and turned it on. "Whats the password?" She asked, a deadly look in her eyes. This side I have never seen!!!

I answered her in a distorted voice hoping that she wouldn't hear and just give up. "Gizzelle! What. Is. The password?"

"Family, its family!" I said louder which caused a pain to erupt in my stomach.

She put it in and went on Contacts. She searched for Chris' name and when she found it she dialed it. It took a minute before she said anything. "Hi Chris, it's Lily," she answered.

She sat there for a while telling Chris about how mom's not gonna be home and how she's gonna be at a friend's. I shook my head at how mature she's acting.

She nodded and hung up. "Chris said he'll be here soon as he can but he's at the hospital with is sister and grandparents," she explained.

"Are they okay?" Mom asked. Lily looked at her and nodded. "Yeah but their grandparents had to do a check up so he got to be there."

I sighed and lied down back. "Mom?" I called to her.

"Yes sweetie."

"How long will you work for?" I asked.

She sighed and crossed her arms. "Til morn," she said softly.  I huffed and closed my eyes. "Get some rest," mom said. I opened my eyes and she and Lily were leaving.

I sighed when they finally left. Then went to sleep.

^_^        ^_^         ^_^

I woke up and looked around my room. I slowly turned my head and looked at my clock. It was 10:30 a.m. I felt worse than this morning. I coughed, Chris came in the room. "Hey," he said. "Hi," I said back hoarsely. He stood silently, rocking on his feet back and forth. It took a few minutes before we said anything.

"You okay?" He asked. I nodded and sighed. "Actually, no. My head hurts, my back aches, I'm pretty sure my eyes are bloodshot red and I know my hair is sticking out in all directions. I feel useless, like a wreck," I explained. He nods.

"I've been sick but not as bad as you make it sound," he teased and started laughing. I laughed along and a pain erupted in my stomach. I winced and tried to sit up but this time I didn't pass.

Chris, came to my side and helped me to sit up. "Are you okay?" He asked once more. I nodded and looked into his eyes while he did the same. We were that close, if we moved one inch, we would kiss.

I looked down and bit my lips. "Do you want me to make you breakfast?" He asked. I shook my head, no. "I don't have an appetite," I told him truthfully. He frowned and akimbo. "Gizzelle you haven't eaten from you got back from the hospital. Don't deny it and lie to me," he said.

I sighed. "I'm not hungry," I said.
"Well you better be because I don't take no for an answer," he retorted. This side I have never seen either. Seriously what is wrong with everyone showing me their bad side today?

He went out and slammed the door. Uh, what was that?





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