Part six

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"Gizzelle," someone said. "Giz, wake up." I sat up and rubbed my eyes. When I looked to the direction of the source of my wake up call, it was Lily. "Lily, whats wrong?" I asked since she had tears in her eyes. and she usually jumps on my bed to wake me.

"I cant find Coco," she said and started crying again. "Come on. Let me help you find her," I said. She nodded and I threw my sheet aside then jumped off the bed.

We went downstairs and searched for Coco. We looked in the living room, in the kitchen, bathrooms, bedrooms and washroom. Lily started to cry again. I hugged her and sat us down. She sat on my lap and I hushed her.

"We'll find her. Don't worry. Nothing's wrong with her," I tried to calm her. "What if..." "No what ifs. Just, it'll work." I nuzzled my nose in her hair. Just then, a knock was heard from the door. I got up and Lily clung to my hand so she came along too. When I opened the door, there was a girl about my age standing with Lily's dog. "Coco!" She yelled and pulled her out of the girl's hold.

Coco barked three times and I continued staring at the girl. "Come in and tell me what happened," I told her. She looked at me a little frightened. "You're not wearing pants!" She noticed. I didn't even look down I just continued staring at her. She walked in with her head held down and I wondered.

"Please. Take a seat," I said. She sat down and started to play with her fingers. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to play with her," she began. "Wait, wait. What are you talking about?" I cut her off. "Yesterday, when you and your boyfriend and sister-" "Not my boyfriend." "Whatever. Anyways you didn't close your door properly so as soon as you raced off she came outside.

"One mind said 'take her up and steal her' and the other said 'bring her home' but I followed none. Instead, I played with her and I enjoyed it. I fell asleep with her and forgot to bring her home. I am so sorry to make you worry."

"Its okay. But that's practically stealing," I said. "I know and again I am so sorry. Please forgive me," she pleaded. I didn't want to give in because they always go again but the look on her face made me cringe. "Ok. Fine but this is your last chance," I gave in. A big smile stretched across her face and she got up. "Thank you. Thank you. I won't disappoint you, and my name is Alyssa" she said holding my hands. I smiled at how childish she is. She ran out and slammed the door.

"Another child trapped in another adult's body," Lily said, shaking her head.

I smiled and ran upstairs. I picked out a pink t-shirt with bold words I R♥CK THIS W♥RLD!!!! and ripped jeans. I went to the bathroom and showered for a short while before coming out and dressing in my clothes. My phone rang and without looking at the caller ID, I answered it. "Hello," I said. "Hey." "Oh, hey Chris. Whats up?" "Just wanted to let you know the party for tomorrow was canceled due to some inconvenience," he said. I thought for a while. "Maybe we could hang out?"

"Sure, what time?" He asked. "7 p.m. Want me to meet you coming up here?" I asked me. "Nah, I'm good. Thanks." He said and hung up.

I went downstairs with my phone and Lily was playing with Coco. Just then Mom came rushing through the door. "Hey guys," she greeted. "Mom. Are you insane. Are you out of your mind?" I asked. She shrugged.

"Had a super fun night," she said wiggling her eyebrows. "Ew mom. We're not stupid," Lily said. Mom rolled her eyes. "Did you get breakfast?" She asked. We shook our heads. "Well then. McDonald's it is," she said. Me and Lily started jumping and cheering.

While we were in mom's car, I started the conversation. "Oh mom. Someone invited me to a party and its tomorrow but it was postponed so we wanted to hang out. Can he come over? Pleeease!" I begged. "Sure," she said. "Really?" I asked just to be sure. "No. Cause you didn't just hear me say yes," she said sarcastically. "Ah, thanks mom. Your the best mother any girl could ask for," I said.

"That's nice to hear. Thank you," she said. "Mom, her boyfriend is inviting her," Lily interrupted. "What? Lily. He is not my boyfriend. Will you cut it out?" I rolled my eyes. "Mom I ran into him the other day and we became friends. The day I went for a walk."

Mom smirked and I rolled my eyes.

Soon after, we reached McDonald's.

^_^ ^_^ ^_^

After we ate breakfast, we headed back home.

"So, this summer....what are we gonna do?" I asked mom. "You know, spend time together at home. Maybe some beach," she started. "But mom. We have a pool," Lily interrupted. "Yeah but dummy, sometimes we need to go out. Our pool will get boring after a while and we wont wanna go in it anymore," I told her.

"Whatever miss know it all," Lily said, crossing her arms.

After, we reached home, mom sat down on the sofa before turning the TV on. I rushed upstairs and plugged my phone in since it was almost dead. Then an unknown number showed up. I frowned and answered it. "Hello," I asked. "Hi. Are you daughter of Marcus Bryan?" The female voice asked.

"Um, yes. Who is this may I ask?" I asked curiously. "Yes. I am Sashieka Brown and I am calling from an incident that occurred to your dad," she said. "What?" I shouted and widened my eyes. My heart started to beat rapidly and my breathing quickened. "What happened?" I asked, breathlessly.

"I am an old friend and decided to visit. When I entered his house, I found him lying on the floor so I rushed over to him and he wasn't breathing properly. You can find him at Dalia Central Hospital," the woman explained.

"Okay. I'll be there," I said. Tears were brimming my eyes. I rushed down the stairs and slapped my mom. "Ouch," she cried. "Dad's in the hospital," I said crying.






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