Part ten

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Dedicated to:lem_si

Gizzelle's POV

I woke up and looked at my surrounding. No Lily, no closet, no dresser, no colour. And then it hit me like a truck. So I started to cry. So loud that even the mirrors would break now if this was a fantasy.

Some doctors came rushing in and I started kicking and pushing. Trying to get out of their hold. And then I saw Chris. He looked so worried, so tired, yet still so handsome. All because of me. He walk over to me and I
hugged him. He hugged back and held me tight. Like he didn't want to let go.

"I want my daddy," I said in between cries. "I know, I know, shh," he shushed me. "I wanna go home," I said after. I looked at him and he looked at me then at the doctors. I looked at them as well and they nodded. I hopped off the bed and Chris helped me. He touched my forehead with the back of his hand and frowned. "You have a fever," he said. I put a hand to my cheek and looked at the ground.

He sighed and led me out of the room.

^_^ ^_^ ^_^

"Whats your mom's name?" He asked me. I shook my head. I didn't want to talk. To anyone, except my dad. I started to cry again and Chris looked at me. Then he hugged me. "I want my dad right here. Right here with me. Where I know he's safe and not really dead. I want him back," I said. I've never felt so sad in my life.

I've never wanted to shut people out so badly. I reached my home moments later and Chris came along. We went to the kitchen where Lily was crying. I stood and watch my family cry. I didn't like when my family was sad. It hurt. So bad that I wanted to curl up and die.

Lily looked over and saw me. She jumped off the stool and ran to hug me. Bending down just to get to Lily's height, I started to cry and hugged her back. Mom looked at me and smile so I smiled back a sad one.

My breathing quickened and I felt like to hit someone. I got up and ran upstairs. Jumping in my bed and cried my eyes out.

I screamed and started hitting the bed with my hands and feet. Chris, mom and Lily came to my room. Lily was the first to hug me, then mom and Chris. I hugged them and then pushed them away. "No. I-I wanna be alone," I said. "Just, just get out. And don't talk to me," I said and laid down on the bed.

I could hear them retreating and I wanted to stop them and say come back, but I also wanted to be by myself. I started to cry and tightened my hold on the sheet.

Hours later, I heard a knock on the door. I stayed in my lying position. My eyes were bloodshot red from crying and my heart hurt. My eyes jumped and head and body hurt. I felt weak. Like I worked for days. The knock came again and I still didn't answer.

The door pulled and I didn't bother look who it was. "I brought dinner," Chris said. "I'm not hungry," I said. My voice sounded hoarse to my own ears. Chris sighed and sat on my bed. "I'm not saying Move on Already but you will sometimes. You'll get over it," he said and got up. He walked off and I sat up. "Wait," I said. "Don't go." He stopped and turned around.

"I thought you didn't wanna talk to no one," he said. And I felt bad. I cried silently but I didn't let him see or hear me. His back was turned so he couldn't see me. He finally turned around and I quickly turned my head.

He sighed and came on my bed. I hugged him and he hugged me back.

Lily came in my room and her eyes filled with tears. I called her over and she ran on my bed. "Sis, I-I thought" I cut her short by kissing her head. "Its okay Lily," I said. I have my family, my mom is enough, my sister is my company and she's enough as well and Chris is basically my bestfriend so why not?

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