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It was a cloudy day of sadness. Everyone cried, everyone fell to their knees and everyone said their last goodbyes. I was at the podium with tears in my eyes. I forced a faltered smile and unfolded the paper with my speech. I stared at the paper for a while before crushing it up and leaving it on the podium.

"My dad, an amazing and decorous man. Independent, loving, caring and never giving up. He once told me "Be an independent and ambitious young woman and make me proud. Don't let guys turn you into a punching bag. Fight back and show them who runs the house". I laughed because I knew he was half-joking half-serious.

"I wanted to make my dad proud, I wanted him to see me have a husband and kids. He always lectured me about having the perfect guy cause he wanted he perfect grandchildren."

Everyone laughed. "It hurt to see my dad in a morgue but it hurt most when he didn't tell me his problems to see if I can at least help him." I started to cry.

"Knowing he would never come back, made me want to die with him too. My dad was my other half and now I'm dead without my other half. Everyone will miss him dearly but we will have to live without him, knowing he's not coming back. No turning Around and no going back."

I looked at his casket and whispered, "I love you dad."

Before smiling at the crowd and walking off, crying. My family and friends and boyfriend came to hug me. I didn't even realize that they were clapping for me. I pulled away and ran away somewhere far, feeling the need to vomit.

I did so and felt someone hold my hair up. I pulled away and fell on my butt. I looked up and it was Chris. I sighed and stood up. "Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded and felt the bile coming up my throat. I crouched down and vomited again with Chris holding my hair up and rubbing my back.

After, I wiped my mouth using the back of my hand and sat myself down on the grass, I started to cry and pull the grass out of the soil. "I miss my daddy," I bawled. "He misses you too," Chris teased. I laughed and wiped my tears.

And it started to pour. I leaned my head on his shoulder and bit my lips. "So we're gonna stay in the rain?" Chris asked. I laughed and nodded. "It feels good," I said.

"I love you Chris," I said and looked at him. He widened his eyes and smiled. "I love you too!" He said. I smiled and kissed him. With him kissing back in sync.

"I'm pregnant," I said with my lips on his. He pulled away and looked at me. "What?" He said. "I'm pregnant. Last week, I kept vomiting and decided to look it up. I saw that wither you're sick or pregnant so I bought a pregnancy test and it was positive.

"Chris, you didn't use a condom," I said. He ran his hand through his hair and smiled. "We're gonna have a baby together," he said. "We're gonna have a baby together oh my god," he repeated and hugged me.

My friends and family came and ran at us. "What took you guys so long?" Mom asked. I looked at her and then at Lily. "I was explaining how Lily was gonna have a niece or nephew," I said.

She widened her eyes and smiled. "Really???!"

I nodded and smiled. "I'm gonna have a grandchild!" Mom said. I smiled and hugged her. Everyone joined the hug and we pulled apart. "I want godmother," Alys said, giddy. We all laughed and nodded.

Author's POV

While they laughed at Alys, she stuck her tongue out and ran off. They chased her and never caught her. It went on like that until she fell and they laughed at her.

"This is enough. Dad might not be here but at least I have my mom, sister, boyfriend and bestfriends and that's enough. Dad is here not physically but mentally and we all love him," Giz said. They all hugged each other.

At the end of the day, they don't have Marcus (the dad) but at least they have family to support each other and Gizzelle was right. They all are enough.






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