Chapter One - My Magic

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I walk down a busy street looking to gather a crowd. After another five minutes I stop and clear my throat.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. Boys and Girls gather round because I Brooklyn from Brooklyn am going to amaze you with some rare seen magic" I call out. Kids walking by drag their parents towards us and people who have nothing better to do come and look as well.

"Thank you now I am going to was this ordinary glass bottle round so you can all have a look and feel that it is in no way tampered with" I hand the bottle.

"So who is up for a little volunteering huh"

"My daddy" A little girl calls I giggle and he comes out.

"Now can I get your name sir"


"Nice to meet you Jackson I'm Brooklyn now can I be so bold and ask to borrow your mobile phone if you have one" he nods reluctantly and get out his phone handing it to me.

"Have you finished with the bottle" As ask the little girl who holds it up.

"Alright boys and girls can i get a count down from 5. 5, 4." they continue to one and I smash the phone into the bottle. The audience gasp as the phone is now in the bottle.

"as you can see the phone is now in the bottle and just prove it is Jackson's phone. Jackson do you have a partner or a wife or someone other than  your daughter with you today"

"Yeah my wife Lisa" I turn to Lisa

"Miss Lisa would you be so kind as to ring Jackson's phone" she does so and it starts ringing. They clap once more and I grin.

"Now being the nice street magician I'll reverse it what your name petal" I bend down to the daughter.

"Lilly" she grins

"Well Lilly do you want to help me" she nods "Give a applause for Little Lilly" she stands next to her Dad and I crouch down

"Okay first I need you to give it one big special blow" she did so "Then say your favourite word."

"Unicorn" she giggles

"Put your hand on top of the bottle and with me bring it down then back up okay" she nodded and we did it together. the phone came back out and her face lit up. I handed the phone back to Jackson.

"Jackson and Lilly everybody" I clap along with everybody else.

"Now for my last trick cause I don't want to take up the rest of your time is a good old card trick can I have two little assistants." The little ones hold up their hands so I pick a boy and a girl

"Okay I want you to pick a card each show it to everyone but me." They do so and I close my eyes counting to ten then pull two pens.

"Okay I want you to draw yourself and again show it to everyone but me." they yet again did so.

"Now, go to mummy or Daddy and get to then to fold the card as small as they can hand place it on my knee." they  did so and came back to me.

"Now all of you know where their card is but with the tap of my hand" I unfold the card on the right side where the girl stood and show it to the boy.

" Is this your card" he jumps up and down in excitement and I show the crowd then do the little girls who sequels in joy.

"I have been Brooklyn from Brooklyn thank you." I bow and take my hat off each throw a dollar in and file out I discard the bottle and gather the money but come across a tarot card. The Star

March 29


45 East Even St


I raise my eyebrow but pocket it anyway and leave for my apartment. For the rest of the afternoon I watch The Orginals and mess with a deck of playing cards while swooning over Elijah and Klaus.

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