Chapter Two - Meeting Each Other

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The next day I grab a came and give the driver the address but stop of at a Starbucks beforehand. When we pulled up I paid and slipped out. The address was nothing special but I was always the curious one so I went to have a look.

I heard voices talking and two I recognise

"It's on your coffee cup"

"Thanks for keeping me honest. That wasn't mentalism by the way that was observation and second observation is you are beautiful" I laugh making myself know.

"always such a charmer Mer" all three look towards me there was another woman about my age with red hair and pretty. Daniel and Merritt

"Well as I live and breathe its little Miss Brooklyn not so little anymore" I kissed his cheek

"Hello, Daniel" I turn to the now shaggy dark haired 24 year old.

"Sorry do I know you" he furrows his eyebrows

"You wound me dear sir. Yet understandable since I was double my size the last time you saw me. Middle school you hid behind me when the bullies wanted your lunch money" I jogged his memory.

"Brooke?" I grinned

"The one and only" I then turned to Merritt

"Be a darling and hold these for me" he took my things and I slapped Daniel hard before taking my stuff back.

"Much better" I turned to the red head and held out my hand.

"Hi, I'm Brooklyn, as you already know" she shook it

"Henley. So what did Danny do to you" she asked while he still rubbed his cheek

"Oh, the usual threw me too the heap when I was no longer of use. In this case it was us going to different High Schools he said I quote 'I no longer need your services of size" she gasped

"That, was when, I cut down and got fit. Never went back since. I swore if I ever saw him again I would slap him hard and then just let it go"

"Brooke I was 14 and you still held a grudge"

"You commented on my looks and you for one knew I hated it. You see, while I was taking the bullies wrath we got to know each other so..." I shrugged. Daniel went off topic and started rambling to Merritt about he knew what he did and he wasn't interested till he shushed him.

"I'm sensing, I'm sensing you're a control freak"

"I'm sorry have we met before?"

"Oh, come on it doesn't take a mentalist to figure out your a control freak" Henley added

"I'll take that as a complement"

"Only you would take that as a complement" I smirked

"Oh, another complement"

"So that's why you two are no longer a couple."

"Oh, we were never a couple" they deny

"He used to saw me in half" Henley stated

"She was a very good assistant" Daniel said

"But I was too fat for Danny"

"Oh I sense a pattern coming" i taunt  and take another sip of my coffee

"I said that one time because of that trap door"

"No one could fit through there." Henley huffed

"Rebecca fir through there. Rebecca fit through there for years"

"Ah, do you know how hard it is to stay in those tiny costumes"

"No, cause I'm the main attraction"

"Henley if you want to hit him I'll hold ya stuff" she smiled at me

"No way J. Daniel Atlas dude I've seen everything you've ever done your like...I idolise you seriously" a boy proberly a couple years younger than me arrives

"A true fan it's so nice to meet you"

"Great now his ego is even bigger" I mutter to Henley she giggles

"I'm Jack by the way"

"Question did you get one of these?" Mer questions holding up his card.

"Yeah, Yeah Death" Jack replies

"The High Preistess"

"The Star"

"The Lover"

"Three minutes" me and Henley Cough before giving each other a high five

"Hermit" Merritt seems narked

"So why are we out here? Are we waiting for someone or?"

"The door's locked " Henley, Daniel and Merritt tell him

"Oh nothing's ever locked" he moved past us and knelt out taking a bobby pin and something else before jiggling about and opening the door.

"Nice one" I rummage through my bag and take out a torch" we walk though looking into the rooms it was nasty.

"And I thought my apartment was nasty" I chuckle till we come to the main part where there is a symbol in the middle of the floor along with a rose and a card.

"What does it say?" I drop my bag and cup before joining Daniel.

"Now you don't" he repeats. Henley picks up the rose.

"A rose by any other name"

"Would smell as sweet" she dropped the flower into the jug of water and it started to leek into the symbol. It dropped and a gas came out. Daniel pulled me back by my waist

"Is that gas" wondered Jack

"Relax its just dry ice"

"Whoa, what do you think this is all about?" Daniel asked

"Hold on, hold on" Mer put his finger to his head

"no got nothing"

"oh thank you for that. thank you for the delay"

"Daniel you can take your hand away now" he slowly let go

"I'm just trying to create space for wisdom" I laugh and shake my head.

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