Chapter Eight - After

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"Oh my goodness that was amazing I can't believe we pulled it off." I gushed waling into our hotel suite.

"Yeah, all that planning and hard work paid off" Mer grinned we high fived each other. I fake yawned

"Gosh I think I might go to bed Danny you coming" I rubbed my nose

"Of course night guys" I led him upstairs not before hearing Merritt make a comment though.

"Can you at least wait till we have ear plugs guys" I rolled my eyes and took Daniel to our room at the far end. Opening the door I pulled my husband in and kissed him he kicked the door shut.

"Would you care to repeat my favourite magic Mr Atlas"

"Anything you say Mrs Atlas"


The next morning we were getting ready for departure to New Orleans we had a bit of time to kill before we did well actually we were waiting for the FBI. I didn't have the patience to fix my hair so I left it in waves and put a fedora hat on.

"Why good morning magic man." I giggled wrapping my arms around Daniel's neck he did the same with my waist

"Tone down on the PDA" Mer interrupted before Danny could reply

"Go back to reading, Mer, you can't see us anyway" I retorted I turned round so my back was pressed against his chest while he nuzzled into my neck.

"FBI hands were I can see them. come on out them up" we lazily looked around at our visitors.

"Uno Momento" Mer mumbled still reading his books we raised our hand slightly

"I said hands in the air now" Chief FBI due stated, Mer Dropped his book down holding up two peace signs . Henley comes down the stairs.

"Freeze, hands in the air" she gasps

"Oh my! Do one of you guys mind giving us a hand with our bags." she asked I smirked

"Grab them you go get dressed please sir." Mer stood up marking his place and going to change.

"If you're going to handcuff me, can one of you be a doll and pass me my coat it's the fur one right there." I pointed, while still holding my hands up. Chief nodded and one of them brought me my coat, I spilled it on and fixed the buttons before they hand cuffed me.

Once, Merritt came back down and he was cuffed we were escorted away. Making our way through the lobby. The customers cheered and applauded.


"Hello is there any chance I could get some chips thank you ever so much." the agent who arrested us came in and I got a closer look at him.

"Oh, hey I know you Merritt told me about you. Can I for one tell you what you like you should have no shame" he glared at me and left throwing my chips

"Merci" I chuckled and opened the chips a few minutes later, two Agents came in.

"Why,  hello and who might you be" I smiled cheerfully.

"I am Alma Dray from Interpol and this is Agent Rhodes" the woman told me with a thick French accent

"Ah, your French I always did like you lot more what's the word imaginative" she smiled at me Rhodes however did not.

"Oh, dear now I don't have to be a mentalist to know you just had a conversation with my husband before me am I correct?"

"How did you move Mr Forcier, from Vegas to Paris in three seconds?" he questioned ignoring my statement

"Annoyed you that bad did he. Tell me have you talked to Mer yet he's a hoot. Did he read you he can be a bugger" I questioned ignoring him.

"I asked you a question?" I took a chip and munched it.

"Magic" I replied with a French accent then turned to Alma

"I can tell you have a thing for magic if you want when I get out of here I lend you my very first magic book changed my life" I told her then looked back at Rhodes.

"As for you, I know you're getting your knickers in a twist because you want to nail us but can't cause you have nothing on us. So what I suggest is some Camomile tea and getting laid works wonders, I tell ya." I laugh Rhodes grunts before getting up.

"Ciao Bella" I finish my chips before I was realised I dig into my bag and hand my book to Dray and blew a kiss to Rhodes. Following my husband and friends out, we got into the car which took us to the airport.


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