Chapter Nine - Prep for New Orleans

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I sat on the plane with my feet on Danny's lap while he massaged them and I reading a magazine. Artie was on Skype with Conan, Jack was lazing about while Hen and Mer were chatting at the back.

"50 say Jack gets jealous of Hen and Mer within the next five minutes" I drawl it was known between three of us that Jack had grown feelings for Hen during our year but hadn't prepared to do anything.

"No, I give it 10" he switched feet

" there was a bunch of giggles coming from the back and i saw Jack get up. i held my hand out he sighed handing me 50. we decided to watch the three.

"Hey guys we got a show to do" Jack interrupted them

"Oh, do we now" Mer asked

"Oh no, no, no you're not doing that you're not doing that thing to me."

"What thing, I'm just looking at you." Mer replied

"No you're not I've been watching you for a year I know all of your little tricks." Jack shook his head

"Is that what they are to you tricks?"

"Yes, that what they are just gimmicks reading body language and eyes. I get it."

"If you think it's so easy why don't you do Henley."

"Yeah Jack why don't you do me?" I chuckled at her innuendo

"No, your too easy I'll do Jasmine."

"no!" we heard Art

"Do me"

"Yeah do Artie." I cheer we all gather round to watch.

"But I'll warn you I can be difficult to read when I want to be" I sit on Danny's lap watching the show with my phone down the side ready to type.

"Okay just stay with me. Okay you were a tough kid you know kind of a real rapscallion. you had a dog a real tough dog British breed I'm gonna say Ben the Bull Dog"

"Actually I was a prissy little tot I had a fluffy white cat called snuffles" we all laughed


"let Danny try i bet he can do way better" i laugh while typing the answer into my phone.

"Yeah, let Danny try." I stand up letting him go and took his place.

"Okay, let's do family. You had a uncle on your mother's side. He had a real masculine name a real kind of stick it to the earth you know a real stick it to you. Like it was some sort of... Paul Thompson? Was it Paul no I have no idea"

"Nearly though."

"Was I?" Danny wondered

"Yeah my uncles name was Cushman Armitage" we all laugh and I type it into my phone then save it, closing the app.

"Really, Cushman Armitage and snuffles that was your childhood."

"I hope tonight's show is going to be better than this"

"Don't you worry Artie it's going to be spectacular."


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