Chapter Seven - MGM Grand P2

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"Etienne, what Jack is bringing to the stage now is what we call in the magical world call a magical teleportation helmet as it will allow you to literally fold through space and time to your bank in the 8th?" he shook his head

"9th Arrondissmont (sp?) now once your there we will able to speak with you through this helmet now if ah oh that's beautiful" Jack fitted the helmet on Etienne's head.

"It has the added attraction of being very stylish it's about time that the French learned that from America on this subject. Isn't that a beautiful piece of headgear"

"Thank you, thank you very much." Etienne said to the applauding crowd.

"But, before you go anywhere please can you pick a card any card. Oh, not that one sorry a old American joke." I leant on Danny's shoulder with two hands.

"You need a better joke, honey" I kiss his cheek

"Now, show it to your friends in section B  there" We turned away so we couldn't see it I pulled out a pen and handed it to Danny.

"Thank you, sweetheart, now Etienne if you could just sign your name on that card preferably in English" he did so

"Now, put it in your pocket"

"And now for one tiny detail" Hen and I took scarf's out of our jacket and threw them into the air they twist and turned before flying away to revel the transportation machine.

"now Etienne lets step into this cockamamie contraption..and I'll step off of it Bon Chance"

"Okay, now its 11:50pm here in Vegas that's 8:50 am in Paris your bank opens in less than 10 minutes"

"One, Two, Three." Henley pressed, the red button and the contraption closed in the middle.

"What the fuck?" Mer wondered

"Wow, Etienne"

"Etienne, where are you?" I asked looking all around.

"That wasn't supposed to happen I like that little French Guy."

"Where did he go" Danny asked then his picture appeared on the screen

"There he is" the crowd cheered "No, no, no, no, please, please" he quietened the crowd

"This is Daniel Atlas can you hear me? Etienne are you okay?" Dan wondered


"Perfect what do you see in there" I wondered

"Money is this real?"

"Yeah, it looks like 3 million or so Euros worth. Okay ,this is what were going to need you to do. I want you to take the card you signed out of your pocket" he did so

"Now take the ticket stub from tonight's show and I want you to put it there right in the middle of the money okay now drop it" he did

"Now, on the side of your helmet you should feel a button don't press it yet now that button activates a airs duct between Paris to Las Vegas. okay now you can press it." I tell him

"Okay, Etienne now hold on tight you might feel a bit of a vacuum." Jack warned and I chuckled

"Wait a second." there was a low rumbling until Euros started floating down from the ceiling all around us i laughed we actually pulled it off.

"Thank you Etienne, thank you everyone." we made are we to the top of the stage.

"We are the four horsemen"

"Goodnight." me and Hen raised our fist

"Goodnight" Mer grinned we bowed a few times before leaving the stage.


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