Chapter Six - MGM Grand

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"Merritt McKinney" Mer walks up with a straight face

"Daniel Atlas" Danny turns a little to the side

"Brooklyn Atlas" I walk up to the camera with a smirk on my face

"Henley Reeves" she walks with hit of a smile

"Jack Wilder" he has a devious smirk

"Arthur Tressler and the MGM Grand proudly present." Jack throws a card at the screen

"The Five Horsemen"


"Thank you tonight we would like to try something that would set us a bit apart" Mer announced we came down from the high rise circle and walked around Danny and I going in opposite directions

"For our final trick were gonna do something never seen before on a Las Vegas Stage" Henley continued

"Or any stage for that matter" Jack went on as me and Danny met backup

"Ladies and Gentlemen tonight..." I trailed off

"We are going to rob a bank." Danny finished and the crowd went wild.

"That's a lot of excitement for a crime." Danny chuckled

"Oh dear Danny. you're not excited this is like our best trick yet, not to forget my favourite"

"Well, when you put it like that." he brought me in and twirled me around I laughed

"I'm getting excited what about you people" the crowd cheered at Henley statement

"one, two, three" Jack and Merritt jump and high five each other.

"Okay, okay, now please settle down, now who here has a bank they would like us to rob?" Danny wonders

"That is a lot of people with a vendetta I guess we'll have to choose one at Random then baby" I held up my hands in a innocent motion.

"Guess we'll have too our associates will make sure its random right?"

"Elvis, help me out bud." Jack let a impersonator pick out a ping pong ball

"In Jacks bowl are section numbers. Jack mind throwing your section to my beautiful wife, please" he threw me the ball and I caught it.

"Section B where is Section B" a spotlight on a cheering sections alerted us.

"I don't know why everybody's happy it's only going to be them"

"Danny, be nice or your sleeping on the sofa" the crowd laugh

"okay Merritt can we have row number please" he threw it at me and I let it bounce

"Thank you, next is row number five" i announce

"Alright get seat Henley can i have a random seat number please." she threw it at me and I caught it with one hand

" Ah Lucky number 13" I smile at Danny

"Fond memories anyway B 5 13 where are you? Ah there you are" the man was handed a microphone

"Can you please confirm this is your seat number B 5 13"

"Yes" he confirmed and I chucked the balls away

"Good can you please tell us your name and the name of your bank"

"My name is Etienne Forcier and my bank is Credit Republican de Paris "

"French okay I was hoping for something local a mom and pop credit with no security. But a promise is a promise could you please come up to the stage and we'll rob your bank" the crowd clapped

"And while he does that, there is someone here tonight that without whom we'd just be five magicians working the circuit trying to get well trying to get here. You proberly know this man from one of his many, many companies he puts his name on he is our friend, our benefactor Mr Arthur Tressler" I held my hand up to the section he was sitting in and we made our way down the steps looking towards him.

"Please stand up Art, please stand up" he does and the spotlight is put on him

"The only man here with the queen's cell phone number" Mer joked and we laughed

"Actually, please stay standing Art. Now when we came to Mr Tressler we promised as a unit we would become the biggest name in magic" Danny started taking my waist

"So we wanted to say thank you and by the way Art you notice the sign out front we made sure to put your name right on top." Henley finished

"If you turn out to be as good as you think you are dear girl that won't be necessary much longer."

"We haven't done our closer yet so why don't you watch it and decide for yourself, Ladies and Gentlemen Arthur Tressler"

"Thank you and of course once again the cardinal of clairvoyance Merritt McKinney" Dan gestured back towards Mer

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