Chapter 11 - New Orleans P1

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"Arthur Tressler presents Jack Wilder,  Henley Reeves,  Merritt McKinney, Brooklyn Atlas  and Daniel Atlas, the Five Horsemen" a spotlight lit each of us up on the stage I grinned looking at the crowd.

"Thank you, now before we start we would like to dedicate tonight's performance to two people" Danny started

"Yes a man and a woman." Henley continued

"FBI Agents Dylan Rhodes and the lovely yet inexperienced Alma Dray" I smiled a spotlight was put on them and the crowd booed.

"Yes he has promised us personally to and these are his words 'nail us'"

"Which we encourage him to do so."

"But not me because I already have Danny to more than satisfy my needs" the crowd laughed and we got on with the show.

"What is magic?" Danny began and we all began to move to the back of the stage "Our argument nothing but targeted deception so I want you to look. Look as closely as possible because the trick you are about to see may not seem connected but I assure you they are. Is what follows a 100 different trick's or one giant Illusion" the stage darkened and the audience applauded.

Danny and Henley did the classic of the rabbit in the box, Merritt did mass hypnosis. Till it was my time to go out on stage.

"Good evening everybody how are you all enjoying the show." they cheered and clapped as I chuckled.

"Well that's good but let me tell you it's about to get better as I especially for you am going to perform one of my favourite Illusions." the clapped again

"But for this trick I need three assistants so I want you to shout any name of the horseman it could be Merritt, Jack, Henley or Daniel so come on as loud as you can who do you want to help me I went a grabbed a microphone going out into the crowd

"Okay, you ma'am pick any horseman" I held the microphone

"Henley" she stated

"Alright Hen can you come out who else come on shout some names I walked around Henley came out onto the stage.

"You sir, which horseman should come out on stage


"alright Jackie come on out" he did so I head back onto the stage and giving the microphone back.

"Alright as you see her we have a very mystical box and for the purpose of this would my two assistant show there is nothing in under or around it please" they did so waving their hands about.

"Thank you no taking my shoes off and slipping them under there i will get in all nice and comfy" I held myself up with my hand.

"Now i will hand over to Mr Wilder."

"Thank you, Henley, you will please pull the shades across" she did so.

---3rd Person----

Henley closed the shades and went back to standing at the other side

"now i have a red hankie here Brooke your hand if you will." Brooks hand came up showing off her wedding bands. Jack gave the red hankie and she waved it. Henley took the plunger and pushed it in, Just before the end Brooks hand disappeared. The crowd gasped.

"As my Henley will now show you everywhere remains completely empty. Brooklyn now gone" the audience clapped

"Jack if you'd be so kind as to bring back my wife" Danny called from behind the stage, Jack pulled back the plunger the shades coming back into place. Henley turned the box around for effect then took away the shade.


The shades came away and I was in the exact same position as I was before the closed. The crowds was in uproar as Jack held out his hand and I took it bowing.

"Thank you and a big thank you to Henley and Jack" I clapped as they bowed leaving the stage.

"Thank you everyone!" I bowed again and leave the stage picked up my shoes and did a quick change into some trousers.. putting my shoes back on i come back on stage just as Danny creates his last bubble I prepare and run into it taking me up into the air. Performing some acrobatics .

The bubble pops and I scream falling down but safely land in a pair of arms. My husband's arms. The audiences applaud and cheer.

"My hero" I gave him a quick kiss as he takes me away him still holding me .

a/n for Brooklyn's trick I've put it on the side it's one of my old favourite tv shows it shows you the trick and how they did it so enjoy


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