Chapter Thirteen - Clean Up

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We were now back in the New York Apartment. I was helping Jack burn everything.

"Guy's we have a problem the bugs been removed." Henley called

"What" I asked Danny smashed the phone and threw it in the fire.

"The firewall's down. Do they know about this?" she asked

"They, they who?" Danny replied

"They whoever were working for"

"Who are we working for and are we prepared to go to jail for them?" Merritt questioned

"Were not going to go to jail alright" I huffed gathering more papers

"Stop being paranoid"

"Doesn't mean it won't happen." Danny retorted

"Guys I don't know if I can do this alright I don't want to go to jail, you know" Jack said

"Then, don't screw up your always talking about how you wanted to be treated like an adult now might be a good chance to start acting like one."

"Danny, quit being mean" I went to Jack

"Everything's going to be fine alright. You're gonna do great I'll be in that room the whole time you won't be alone. When you leave they others will be on the bridge waiting. Just keep calm"

"Er, no your coming with me." Danny protested

"No, he's like my brother I'm staying here. You have the key to our apartment go there when you finished at the bridge. Once they've gone I will destroy the rest of what's left." I said in a final tone

"I don't know what I'm doing here" Mer commented

"I'd don't know, what you'd do anywhere else" Dan retorted

"I'm here for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow that's it then I'm gone"

"You can do whatever you like after this Merritt but until then stick to the plan" Dan went to look out of the window.

"Guys they're here." Dan came over to me kissing me I pulled away.

"I love you" I whisper

"I love you more" he replies taking our bags me and Jack continued to burn stuff.

"Once they get to fifth I'll hide" I told him he nodded

"Thanks for staying with me" I smiled

"You got it, bro" I heard them getting closer I tapped Jacks back and went to hide. From where I was, I could hear two sets of new footsteps not a two minutes later there were groans, yells and fighting this continued for about 5 - 10 minutes before two people left and a third followed I looked out of my hiding spot to see I was now alone.

"Guys, it's me Jacks left and the feds are on his tail you ready" I pressed my Bluetooth to my ear call my three friends.

"Are you alright?" Dan's voice came back

"Yes I'm fine."

"Good were all set to go"

"Kay good luck" I ended the call.

I got to work continuing to bur papers in the main room throwing extra matches on to burn it once I was done i took plans down from the hallways and bedroom's throwing them on the fire. Dismantling the 3D structures and getting rid of them all. Dismantling the Lego and putting it back in the box I tied up a little and smiled grabbing my bags I left.

"Going to the rubbish chute I landed then followed the exit root and grabbed a taxi taking then to the end of my street. I jogged up the stair to my apartment and opened the door. I sighed at the sight I was home. Danny had moved his stuff in when we came back from our honeymoon its wasn't a proper one but after this was over I would have it.

I was thinking the Bahamas. I dumped my stuff and changed before making some coffee. Henley, Dan and Mer arrived back and I was tackled into a hug by Danny.

"Hello to you too" I chuckled

"Everything go okay" I asked the others

"Went off without a hitch."

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