Chapter Three - It's a Show

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"Danny, be honest did you do this?" I asked moving in the dry Ice

"No wait did you?" he questioned Jack

"I wish"

"Why didn't anyone ask me if I did it "

"Cause, Mer you don't do theatrics' he smiled at me.

"Thank you, so much Brooklyn" he replied sarcastically I saw Daniel try the electrics

"Electricity's out" Jack stated

"let's check that shall we" Merritt screwed a bulb back in and three projectors turned on meeting in the middle.



"They're incredible." Daniel and I breathed then looked at each other.

"Who do you think did this" Jack wondered

"I dunno, but I really wanna meet them" I looked closer

"It's a show" I whisper and Daniel pushes one of the prints.


"I don't know about anybody else, but, I'm defiantly in" I grin

"I don't mean to sound naive but what is the eye?" Jack wonders

"Really?" Merritt wonders

"Mer, leave him alone." I begin to walk around the group "The Eye, Jack, is a group of talented magicians who express a deep love for the art. It was set up way back in ancient Egypt when the servants of Pharaoh used Illusions and sleight of hand to take food from the rich and give it to the poor and ancient band of Robin Hood and his Merry men. You have to follow a series of instruction to a tee with blind obedience to be welcome into the fold that, and you have to be really good"

"And pray tell how do you know so much about it?" Daniel asked

"I read Dumbo. Magic is practically my life, I love it and wouldn't want to live a day without it. Of course I read history about it, even though most people think it's a myth"

"So then, are any of you guys going to join the fun" I clapped my hands and looked at the others

"Honey with you in the mix things are bound to be fun" Mer commented

"Sure, why not" Jack shrugged

"Duh" Henley we all looked to Daniel

"Guess so"

"Alright this is going to be much fun I call exploring" I grab my torch pen and paper.

"What's that for?" Henley asked

"She's going to take down what needs doing" Merritt stated

"Yeah she has this thing with wanting to be organised before she does things" Daniel continues

"Not OCD but you get the idea" I call back at them

"She'll give us the run down on how she sees things." I hear Mer add

"Hey, if any of you want to help you can start by finding anything other than blue prints to guide us." I walk back down the hall and into first room.

Okay so, I count 4 rooms three bedrooms and a bathroom. Both bedrooms had furniture in it and everywhere needed a clean I wrote all of this down.

"So what have you got Miss Brooklyn"

"About the layout or overall conclusion" the four looked at each other

"Overall conclusion"

"Okay so, judging from the blueprints this isn't going to be easy. There is a lot of stuff we need to do which might require us living here, it's going to be a bit of a squeeze since there is only three bedrooms. I think this is going to become our life for a while. Before we do anything though we need to clean and set up" I told them

"Lets get to work, erm Henley and Brooke on cleaning me, Jack and Merritt heavy lifting" Danny stated

"Why are we cleaning" Henley asked

"Don't worry Hen, we will do some shopping as well, there isn't a lot here" she sighed and nodded

"Was there anything other than the blue prints for the show" I wonder before we left.

"No just a computer playing it" I nod we leave

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