Chapter Fifteen - Our Benefactor

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Chapter 15 - Our Benefactor

We arrived in times square and saw nearly if not all the screams with news channels of our final act, It was spectacular.

"Come on" Danny pulled me away from the sight and we all headed towards Central Park.

"I remember the last time we were here" I smiled fondly as we approached the gate

"One of the best moment of my life" he whispered in my ear I smiled and gave him a quick kiss

"Its locked" Henley stated bringing us out of our moment

"Weren't you listening, nothings ever locked" Jack came from out of the dark and I grinned

"Well Done Mr Wilder good work" Henley and I clapped Jack unlocked the gate

"You're a big boy now Jack" Merritt smiled

"I knew you could do it" I hugged him once the gate was open then we walked though the park.

"What if all of this was leading up to us getting mugged at 2 in the morning" Merritt asked

"I'm telling you were exactly where we need to be" we walked past the bench where he proposed "We just have to find" he was cut off by Henley.

"That" we turned around I gasped the proposal spot was the Lionel Shrike tree. It truly was magical

"The Lionel Shrike Tree"

"And the card encase in glass" I added. Henley took out her tarot card and the rest of us followed then collected together to create a hollow gram of the eyes. Henley waved it over the car and it shone.

Carousel Music from a somewhere started to play and lights told us where to go so we followed.

"No way" I breathed Agent Dylan Rhodes stood in front of the building smiling.

"I did not see that coming that's impossible." Merritt stated

"That was actually pretty good" Dan complemented

"Thank you" Dylan replied

"When I said always be the smartest guy in the room"

"We were in agreement" he confirmed

"Henley" she was speechless I laughed

"I've never seen her speechless" I told him he shook her hand

"I'll take that as a complement...Brooklyn" he shook my hand

"Hey man, I am so sorry for kicking your ass man really" Jack apologised

"Hey listen for the record I have always been a 100% believer. And the amount of energy I have expended to keep these infidels on point"

"Merritt" we shoved him playfully

"Merritt you're in" Dylan told him

"God bless"

"Come" he led us to the carousel

"The real magic is take five strong solo acts and making them work together and that's exactly what you did." he went through the gate

"So the Eye" he jumped on and went round before he disappeared we chuckled and jumped on Dan taking my waist.

---3rd Person---

Alma threw away the key into the river then turned back to Dylan

"So what about the horseman? Where are they now?" Dylan turned so his back was leaning against the railing.

"Laying low for now and receiving their reward. Last I heard Merritt was somewhere in the UK, Jack took Henley travelling. As for Brooklyn she and Daniel are having a proper Honeymoon before settling down somewhere." Alma nodded.


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