6//My story

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I'm not going to pretend I've always been a perfect fan because no I was gross and cringy too.

So it all started in grade six. Me and my friends were absolutely obsessed. I for whatever reason thought Jeff was hot and convinced he would love me.

We also called Slenderman "Father"

Gross I know.

We were convinced we were going to be proxies of him and that the creepypastas would love us.

This was also the time when I started hating myself, my anxiety got worse, I was sad, etc.

So me, being the cringy fangirl I was, told people I was insane. I cut myself mostly for attention. It was bad. I'm disgusted at myself.

I also made many, many, terrible ocs. If I kind find pictures I'll put them in here.

Then I left the fandom for about a year.

And of course now we're here.

I didn't really get back into the fandom until about halfway through this school year.

Now I know I'm not insane, I'm not exactly 100% happy but I honestly wouldn't have expected I would be. But I mean I know I'm loved, despite needing constant reassurance. I know they aren't real. I know they would kill me without a second though.

I just wish I knew it back then. I said so many cringy things, I fuCKING SCRATCHED THE OPERATOR SYMBOL INTO MY WRIST.


Yeah that's it I guess. I'm so fucking glad I got past all that.

~Sock out!

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