Gokudera Hayato

753 29 13

Alright, his our favorite bomber, Gokudera! His attitude might be off and such, but I'll try my best!


"Love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs."


As soon as you had locked eyes with his pale green hues, you had let out a laugh. A loud laugh. "Shut up, woman!" He growled.

You grinned, "I believe it's 'Mistress.'" His eyebrow twitched. You strolled in, a large smile on your face, Gokudera slowly following.

'Why did it have to be her?' He growled mentally. Once he had finished his shift, around lunch time, he would blow you up.

You looked back at him. "So, when does your shift-" he glared as you snickered, "-finish?" You asked.

"Lunch. Some have half the day, the others have the other half." He muttered. You nodded, twirling hair around your finger.

"So..... M-Mistress.... What do you want?" He growled out, handing you a menu. You gazed through each item, smiling.

"Well, Gokudera-chan-" his eyebrow twitched. "Don't call me that." He hissed. You laughed, "Fine, fine." You waved a dismissive hand.

"Do you sell ice-cream?" You asked, raising an eyebrow. "I don't know, check the damn menu." He growled. You grinned.

"I can't find it." You handed him the menu. "I think you need glasses." He hissed. "But you're the one with glasses. My eyes are perfectly fine."

His eyebrow twitched once more, gripping the menu tightly. He scanned it, pointed to it and shoved the menu in your face.

"Right there." You looked at it, smiling. "Thanks." He was getting pissed off. Especially how you were so calm, so teasing and had so much pleasure out of this.

"I'll have a choc mint ice-cream please~" you hummed, handing the menu back to him. He tore it out of your hand and turned.

"Shouldn't you write that down? Like all the other maids." You smiled. He scrunched the menu up and threw it at you, you calmly catching it.

You blinked slowly, smiling up at the silver haired male. "Hmm?" He glared. "I don't need to." His sentence was forced out.

He stormed off, red from anger. You smiled, waiting patiently. Soon, he came back and your smile grew, amusement twinkling in your [E/C] eyes.

"Wrong flavour." You stated calmly. You both glanced at it, the strawberry ice-cream standing out with its pink color.

"I said choc mint." You glanced at him. He slammed it onto the table. "I fucking quit! I don't need this!" He exclaimed, ripping his apron off.

"But why? Isn't Tsuna doing this? Are you gonna leave him alone?" You mused. He spun around, glaring icily at you.

"Not unless Yamamoto is with him. You aren't really doing your duty as right-hand man." His eyes narrowed.

You were so in for it as soon as you left the building. 'I'm so fucking screwed.' You laughed mentally.

You took in his appearance, ripped maid outfit, missing its apron. Red face from anger. Narrowed, glaring pale green eyes you loved. When anger wasn't swimming through them.

"My, aren't you hyped up." You chuckled. "But you got my order wrong and you are yelling at me, even after quitting. I think you need to be escorted out."

His hand balled into fists. "What?!" He growled. "I don't feel comfortable. I don't even feel like paying for something I did not order."

Your eyes gleamed as his jaw clenched. "Fine, I don't fucking care! I'll leave myself! I don't need someone escorting me out of here anyway!"

He turned and stormed out, slamming the door shut, bell falling to the ground. You grinned, staring at the door.

Reborn slowly walked out, sighing softly. "I only talked to him as staff. If it were outside it would've been different." You shrugged.

"Of course, [Name]. We'll fix up your order. It's on us." You smiled. "Thank you, Reborn."


You stared outside the door, catching Gokudera sitting outside, having changed. "He probably went home and came back for me."

"Yeah, to beat you up." Reborn stated. You smiled. "Aren't you going out there?" He asked. "I will, don't worry."

You picked up the apron and grinned. "You're gonna get hurt." You shrugged. "Haven't pissed him off lately."

You walked outside, grinned at Gokudera. His eyes narrowed at you. "You left something inside." You stated, handing the apron to him.

He stared at it before ripping it up. "I'm gonna blow you up, woman!" He growled, standing up. You smiled.

"You've already blown up my ovaries." Oh how you loved jokes like that. You smiled, watching Gokudera's face flush a bright red.

"You love me too much to harm me." You laughed. His eyebrow twitched, letting out a sigh. "Whatever, woman. You're lucky I got time to calm down."

You caught his hand and grinned. "At least I know your only my maid now~" His cheeks reddened, eyebrow twitching it anger.

"Don't push it." He growled, tightening his grip on your hand.


Not sure if this is okay, but I tried! Man, I love Gokudera~ His such a sexy beast omg. Okay, guess who's next!


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