TyL!Bovino Lambo

448 16 6

Hahahdnskjs TYL!Lambo hahaha yeah.


"Love is being stupid together."


You never quite imagined you'd see Lambo in this situation. Honestly, you knew he was stupid, but to willingly- no, that's wrong. Reborn would have done it, would have forced the poor teen into the maid outfit.

"[N-Name]-chan!" Lambo squeaked, a blush colouring his cheeks. You hadn't really wanted you to laugh at him, and you tried oh so hard to keep your laughter at bay. But it was easier said than done.

"W-What are you doing?" You asked, hiding your smile behind a hand. "R-Reborn forced me into this!" Ah yes, it was indeed Reborn's doings. You couldn't blame him, really. If Reborn held a gun to your head and threatened you, you'd do it too.

"Shouldn't you let me come in, Lambo-kun?" Your voice was becoming filled with squeaks and giggles as you tried to keep from laughing. He ushered you in, and finally, in the middle of the cafe, you lost it.

Lambo groaned as you hunched over, holding your stomach. "Y-You're a maid, Lambo-kun!" You waved a hand at him as he flushed pink. I-pin would have been nicer than you!

"Just sit down, please!" He begged. Reborn poked his head out, an amused smile tilting at his lips. Of course it was you, who else would it be? "R-Right, right," you breathed. That laughing practically gave you a six pack, and it hurt.

"S-So...um, what do you want?" He asked nervously. He and you both could feel Reborn's gaze on the two of you, however, it was you who didn't care. You were but an innocent customer, and Lambo the maid-

"Stop laughing!" You turned your head, sliding into the seat of your table. You kept your head turned, trying so hard to keep your laughter down. "U-Um..." You quickly grabbed the menu, hoping it'd stop you from laughing so you could focus.

"V-Vanilla...ice-cream please," you murmured, grinning. "Y-Yeah..." He watched you silently as you tilted your head. "Are you avoiding my name, Lambo-kun?" You finally asked.

Well, he was, but it's not like you needed to know that. "N-No, of course not!" Because if he said your name while you were a customer, Reborn would try and shoot him. He just really, really didn't want to call you 'mistress'.

"That makes me sad!" You whined, turning your head. "A-Ah... Will you be happy if I say it?" He asked, crouching down. You nodded, watching your friend crouch down. He was taller than you, so of course he had to crouch.

You watched curiously. Did he really need to crouch to say your name? Lambo swallowed the lump in his throat. Well, if Reborn shot him at least he told you this way, right? Right.

"I love you, [Name]-chan." Your face was painted red as he quickly pressed his lips to yours. It was quick and short, however, it was rather sweet. You knew he would have to face Reborn after this.

He stood up, head lowered. "A-Anyways... M-Mistress, will that be all?" You were still baffled with what happened before quickly nodding. "Y-Yes, of course." He quickly turned and walked off, pace fast.

You stared at the table silently, face still coloured red. "I've never blushed this much," she murmured, rubbing your cheeks gently. Besides, you thought he liked I-pin! What a mistake on your part.

"Mistress." You glanced up as Lambo set the pink bowl down on the white table. He would be patient for his answer, wether his nerves ate away at him the whole time or not. I-pin and Mama always told him girl's were fragile.

"Thank you, Lambo-kun," you murmured softly. You took a mouthful, staring thoughtfully at your dessert. "Lambo-kun." Lambo watched you get another spoonful, but blinked when you held the spoon in front of his face.

"U-Um, I don't think..." He trailed off, his one emerald eye catching your set of [e/c] ones. He always thought they were pretty. "Alright..." You smiled brightly as he took the mouthful of the ice-cream.

"Vanilla ice-cream is the best, you know? You can recreate it how you'd like; you make it yours."


"Hey, Lambo-kun." Lambo poked his head out of the kitchen, finding you walking back into the store. "[Name]-chan, you should have gone home. It's late." You gave a shrug, smiling brightly.

"I went shopping after eating here, Lambo-kun." He raised an eyebrow. He didn't see how that had anything to do with him, but he'd let you talk anyway. "I bought something, too! New lipgloss."

Reborn smirked from his spot in the kitchen, watching Lambo walk out to you. "It came in many flavours, too. But, you know what one I chose?" You asked, eyes sparkling. Reborn could almost hear the excitement in your voice.

"Please tell me," Lambo murmured. "Grape~" A smile tugged at his lips. "So, I thought I'd give you my answer, too," you added in, waving a finger in the air. "Oh? What would that be, [Name]-chan?"

"Well, I could tell you, or...I could always show you." You leaned forward, your weight on the heels of your feet, hands behind your back. You smiled as he crouched down slightly.

He gave a chuckle, flicking some of your [h/c] fringe out of your face. "I didn't know you were so playful," Lambo stated. "Well, I'm with you. I have to get to your standards, Lambo-kun."

Reborn's smirk widened as Lambo gave a whine. "That was mean!" You smiled sweetly at him but yelled as you stumbled backwards. Lambo had quickly moved up, pressing his lips against yours.

To keep you from falling he kept a hand at the small of your back. You gave a small giggle before responding to the kiss. Both your cheeks and his were now dusted pink at his sudden action, but it wasn't unwelcome.

You laughed as he moved back, lipgloss coating his lips now. "You're sweeter than any grape, [Name]-chan." You touched your nose to his, smile brightening. "I love you too, Lambo-ku- ah!"

You and Lambo both screamed as Reborn shot a bullet between the two of you. "R-Reborn-kun!" Lambo's grip around your waist tightened, Reborn noted. "As lovely as you two are, Lambo has dishes to finish cleaning."

"Ah, I distracted him from work, didn't I?"

"Your pretty smile distracts me from a lot of things."


Bye @ my Wattpad app it wouldn't let me publish this on there bUT here's Lambo finally! I like how this turned out, it's all cute and fluffy and a W

Also, next is Fran, Squalo, Spanner and Shoichi due to request! Please look out for them, and Mai Mai, if you're reading this, comment bellow please bby thank you


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