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Ohhh I got a request to do one for Xanxus- Mind you, I tried! I have some... Some trouble with his personality, much like Mukuro's. Aha. Yeah.... Anyways, disclaimer, for if haven't done it in a while! Anyways, here's your Xanxus one, leilobird-san!

Xanxus: This trash does not own us, nor you.

Me: Woah, Xanxus. Don't get so excited!

Xanxus: Shut up.

Me: Ily, Xanxus.


"Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place."


You stared blankly, a glare already settled on the male's face. "Xanxus....?" His glare intensified, a shiver running down your spine.

"M-Maybe I should.... Um.. Leave?" You questioned, scratching your cheek awkwardly. "Just get the fuck in." He growled.

"A-Alright." You quickly walked in and found an empty table, sitting on the seat. You had met he Varia before and managed to get caught up in some stuff.

You sighed, rubbing your temple. You had gone to Italy with Dino when you had first met them, and Xanxus was the one to stand out to you.

Sure, everyone else was.... Relatively decent, Xanxus apparently was not, you had decided. But, he seemed to shine in his own way, like a dying star.

"What do you want?" He snapped. Your [E/C] hues glanced up at him. You quickly grabbed your menu, his glare hardening.

You rushed to find something you were going to have, Xanxus' glare burning into the side of your head. It was unnerving.

"U-Um, I'll have so pasta?" It sounded more like a question. He scribbled it down, scowling deeply.

How the other Varia members, mostly Squalo, dealt with him so easily was beyond you. He yelled, threw things, always swore and didn't care much for others.

Yet, you still felt like you needed to be near him, even if you knew you'd get insulted and brought down, possibly having a glass thrown at you.

He turned and stormed off, scowling deeply. Everyone watched him. Then everyone turned to you.

A man slowly walked up to you. "Are you alright, miss?" He asked quietly. You glanced up at him, eyebrow slightly raised.

"Yes." You nodded. "Good, I thought that man would hurt you." He has hurt you. "No, I'm fine." That's where a scar on your back came from.

He smiled wearily, nodding his head. "You could always ask for another person to serve you, I'm sure the owner won't mind."

You seemed to cringe at the thought of angering Xanxus further. But you visibly flinched as you felt him stand beside the stranger.

"I-I'm good, thanks." You smiled weakly. "Trash, I got your damn food." No one even decided it'd be a good idea to correct him. It was 'Mistress.'

The man jumped, and scrambled away as Xanxus glared at his back. "Thank you..." You murmured. You also decided that Xanxus was scary.

He was staring at you. You glanced up slowly. He wasn't glaring at you. "Xanxus..?" You questioned curiously.

You spun your fork once as his scarlet eyes narrowed slightly. "Xanxus...?" You called his name once more, just quieter.

"What?" He snapped. You leaned back slightly. "Are you alright?" You asked curiously. He stared once more.

You were genuinely curious if he was alright. His eyes narrowed more. How did you put up with him? He that you were scared of him.

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