Rokudo Mukuro

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Here is Mukuro for leilobird-san! It might not be too good because I'm not use to writing Mukuro or his character and such, but I'll try my hardest!


"Love can sometimes be magic. But magic can sometimes... just be an illusion."


The look on both faces were blank. [E/C] eyes filled with confusion and shock, red and blue eyes staring blankly back.

"Mukuro....." You didn't even need to ask him the question. "I got bored." Was his simple reply. You opened your mouth to talk but closed it.

He pushed down on your shoulders to sit you down on the chair. "What would you like to order, Mistress~?" His voice was sing songy.

You stared at him blankly for a moment before scanning your menu. "I'll just have a chocolate milkshake...." You mumbled in reply.

A smile slipped onto Mukuro's face as he scribbled your order down. "Will that be all?" He asked, staring down at you.

You glanced back up at him, handing him the menu slowly. "Y-Yeah..." His smile grew larger, giving a curtsy.

"I'll be right back with order, Mistress~" he seemed to sing, spinning around, big bow swaying with him.

He took long strides, leaving you to stare after him with shock. "I don't even know if he's enjoying this or not..." You muttered.

You glanced at a woman who was staring at you. She seemed to be scared. "Are you alright?..." You asked.

"T-That man isn't as nice as he seems...." She replied quickly but quietly, pointing at Mukuro. You glanced at the older male, then back at the woman.

"I can tell..." You murmured. "B-Be careful." The woman stated, before standing up and leaving, money sitting on the table.

You slowly turned around. "What did he do....?" You muttered to yourself. Mukuro came back, setting your milkshake down.

"Here you go, Mistress~" You glanced up, eyes locking. "What did you do?" You asked. He leaned down, his prissy smile turning into a smirk.

He dragged his gloved hand down your cheek before resting it under your chin. "Nothing much."

"Mukuro-" he slowly opened his eyes, smirk widening. "Don't worry, Mistress." The way he had said it sent a shiver down your spine.

"Of course..." You murmured, slowly pulling away from him. He turned and waltzed off, smiling.

You stared at him. "I'm in trouble.... Aren't I?" You sighed.


The way Mukuro treated you, it made you wonder wether he loved you or not. "What are you thinking...?"

The bell chimed, your head snapping up to the door. Mukuro calmly walked out in his normal clothes. "[Name]-chan~"

You slowly stood up and followed him. "I got something for you to wear around our building~"

You watched as he pulled out a maid outfit, face paling. "You aren't seriou-" his stare at you answered your question.

"Y-Yes Mukuro..." Your head dropped. "Don't worry, [Name]-chan~" he delicately grabbed your chin.

He rubbed his thumb across your cheek, smiling. "You'll only be my maid~" a small blush colored your cheeks.

You averted your gaze. "W-Whatever..." At least you weren't in front of Ken or Chikusa. "What did you do to that woman anyway....?"

He smiled. "Nothing, my dear, [Name]-chan~" you frowned. "I don't believe you..." He swiftly grabbed your hand and kissed it.

"Nothing for you to worry about." His smile sent a shiver down your spine. You smiled tiredly. "Alright."

No matter how much he had done before, it seemed that his mysterious personality.... Allured you. Called you closer and pulled you in.

Even though he had hurt your friends, he protected you, Ken, Chikusa, M.M and Chrome. He made you safe, until he pulled a grin.

That's when you knew you had to leave and find help. When you knew your love might be all apart of his illusion.


Well here is Mukuro! I hope this is alright! I had a bit of trouble with this because of Mukuro. Like, literally on one knows what he's thinking, not even the fans of khr. So, I guess this is alright.


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