Sasagawa Kyoko

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wow the first girl of the series. now I hear "but she's not a mafioso!!! how could she be apart of the café staff???!!"
ridiculous, right??
ahh, my beloved readers. she's not the staff this time
you are

"The best protection any woman can have... is courage."

"Ah." Well shit. Kyoko smiled brightly at the sight of you in your current uniform. "Hi, [Name]-chan." You felt your heart jump into your throat. "Are you going to let me in?" Hah, that teasing tone was there.

"Come in, let me take you to your seat." You waved her in, internally grimacing. Couldn't you have been given someone else? You knew well Reborn probably got Kyoko to visit during your shift, you had not a single doubt.

"Well," you didn't want to say it, "Mistress... What would you like?" You had to, though, or Reborn would shoot a pretty gold bullet through your pretty head. Kyoko giggled at this, eyeing over the menu quickly.

"What would you recommend? You must know what's good and what's not." Besides, you'd also gladly tell her what was worth wasting money on and what wasn't. "Eh, well..." You stepped closer and crouched a bit.

"I'd personally order a mint slice, but that's personal preference." You gave her a quick look. "But you like vanilla, right? The vanilla slice isn't that bad." Kyoko blinked quickly before smiling. "Can I have both?"

"Eh? Is it Kyoko Appreciation Day?" You questioned, writing down the order nonetheless. "Nope!" She happily popped the 'p', a bright smile on her face. "Anything else?" You wondered loftily. She looked happy.

"That's all, [Name]-chan!" You loved how she said your name. "Of course. I'll be right back." You turned, making sure to spin your dress out. A warm smile settled on your face, and a calmness washed over your heart.

You loved her laugh.


"Oi, [Name]," Reborn called. You hummed and looked up. You'd been scribbling on your notepad. "Kyoko's order. Don't dick around too much." A snort made itself known. He knew you well.

"I'll do my best." You took the two plates and calmly walked out of the kitchen and straight for Kyoko's table. When she noticed you, her eyes lit up. They practically sparkled, and lit up the whole café.

"Here you are, Mistress." You set down her plates, but she plucked your notepad from your hand. "Mm... Say, [Name]-chan, is this me?" Crap. "Huh? Uh, no- I was just scribbling shit down," you muttered quietly.

You quickly snatched the pad back, cheeks dusted a bright red. "I think you're lying." She was being awfully forward today. "Right, and I think you're being nosey," you shot back quickly.

Her lips tilted upwards. "Can I have it anyway? I like your drawings." You let out a slow breath, tearing off the page. "Sure... Hey, why'd you order the mint slice? I didn't take you as the type," you finally asked.

"Eh? Oh, well I thought that since you like it, I should try it! Maybe I'll like it?" You felt your heart jump at her calming laugh. "Of course. Tell me what you think afterwards." She nodded quickly.

"Ah, before you go! May I get a picture?" You smiled softly at the caramel haired girl, nodding. You just couldn't help it. You'd agree to whatever she said. She always looked so bright, and warm.

After a kind woman at the next table took the picture for the two of you, Kyoko happily took a mouthful of her vanilla slice. She beamed at the taste, humming delightfully. It was delicious, as expected.

With that, you nodded and walked off. She gave a happy wave, eyeing over the brown and green dessert in front of her. She carefully sliced off the corner and placed it in her mouth. Of course you wouldn't lie.

Her face softened at the fresh and chocolate-y taste. Of course you had fantastic taste. Just another amazing thing about you that she adored so much.


Although your shift was over, and as was the day, Kyoko was still at her table. "Kyoko?" You called, dragging the broom over with you. "What're you still doing here?" Surely her parents and Ryohei would be worried.

"I wanted to wait for you!" She chirped, smiling. You leant against the handle of the broom, eyebrow raised. What for? "Is that so? I appreciate it, but you should get home. I'm sure Reborn can take you and I can lock up-"

"I want you to take me home." That wasn't meant to sound as bold as it did, surely. But either way, a blush spread across your cheeks and your eyes widened. This also caused you to trip a bit and fall from the broom.

"W-What?! Kyoko, don't say stuff like that!" She gave an airy laugh. "What's gotten into you today? You've been acting so odd!" You watched her shrug delicately. That did little to settle your nerves.

"I thought that today I should take a step forward!" She got to her feet and stepped closer to you. Take a step forward? Slowly an amused smile started to tug at your lips. So that was the game she was playing.

"Is that so?" You wondered softly. She nodded quickly. "You know, you have good taste. The mint slice was very nice." You decided then and there that Kyoko was definitely someone you shouldn't underestimate.

"And?" You insisted. "I only wish you could've had some!" Her shoulders shook with soft laughter as you leant against the broom handle again. This time nothing she said caught you off guard.

"Then come here." She took that daring step forward. You dropped the broom and instead wrapped an arm around her waist, tugging her closer. Although your lips were dry due to your working, hers were soft and gentle.

She was soft and slow and all-round as gentle as you'd thought she'd be. So you squeezed her hip and licked her bottom lip, slipping your other hand up to rest on her cheek. Her skin was smooth, like per usual.

You could feel her lips tug up into a smile against yours, but they parted nonetheless so your tongue could explore. As expected, the strong mint taste was still lingering there. It was cold, and refreshing.

With a low hum you pulled back, taking Kyoko's breath with you. Taking in her flustered state, you figured her boldness was probably from a push of someone, no doubt Haru. The girl was known for it. You'd thank her later.

"You're right," your voice was lower and a little rougher, "it did taste nice." Her face flushed as a smug grin slipped into your face. It was lopsided and was the epitome of smug and lazy. And it blew Kyoko away.

"Hey!" Reborn's sudden yell caused you both to pull away quickly, a screech tearing from your throat as you tripped on the broom you'd dropped earlier. Kyoko jumped, eyes widening. "[Name]-chan!"

Reborn sighed, setting a hand on his hip. He could give his praise where it was due; he hadn't expected you to be so smooth. He wondered where you'd picked it up from, because it definitely didn't come naturally.

"I pay you to serve customers and clean, not make-out with them and trip over." This earned an embarrassed glare from you as Kyoko helped you to your feet. "Shut up! I was cleaning!" What a terrible lie.

"Cleaning what? Certainly not the floor," he chortled. This only served to embarrass you and Kyoko further. He shrugged gently. "This'll do. Go get changed and walk her home. You can deal with Ryohei."

He'd already been rung a few times, anyway, and it was starting to piss him off. "Right... Just wait here, Kyoko," you mumbled, dashing off to get changed. Reborn spared the younger girl a look.

"That was some courage from you today, Kyoko," he chimed. He smiled a tad when she beamed. "Yes! Nii-san told me to alway reach for what I want and grab it!" And she had reached with all her might.

She'd grabbed it, and she'd never let it go.

Decalcomanie — MAMAMOO


on a side note tho I rather like this one?? Kyoko is a very precious girl ahh I hope you all like it aha. also check out the song; it's what gave me my strong urge to write this

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