TYL!Cavallone Dino

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Alright, up next is Dino! TYL!Dino to be exact. Dino is so sexy hahahahdkcmwond. HollyNiteblazer got it! Aha, you're getting a lot of dedications from me! You're a very dedicated fan of mine so I don't mind at all anyways! Alright, on with the story!


"All my life, my heart has yearned for a thing I cannot name."


Your mouth fell agape, a blonde man with the same expression in front of you. "A-Ah... I've seen you around before..." You mumbled pointing at him.

"I've seen you too..." Yes. You were good friends with Tsuna and how you met this man was through the brunette. Though you never got his name. Someone always cut him off.

"Oi! Get back to work!" Reborn called. "Ah, sorry!" Dino laughed nervously. He ushered you in and you blushed, keeping your head down.

"Anyways..." You let out a yelp as Dino fell over beside you. "Are you alright?" You asked worriedly, shaking his shoulder gently.

"Y-Yeah..." He gave a sheepish laugh, rubbing the back of his head. "L-Let me help you up." You offered, helping the blonde stand.

"Thanks." He smiled. A blush coloured your cheeks and you looked away. "It's alright..." You murmured.

He walked you to a table and handed you a menu. You took it gently and sat down against the plush cushion on the back of the seat.

"Thank you." You quickly glanced through the menu as Dino eyed you, head tilted. "Is something wrong?" You asked.

"Eh? No, of course not! I was just thinking that I've never heard your name!" He exclaimed, waving a hand.

"Ah! I'm [Surname] [First Name]. It's nice to finally meet you properly." You smiled. "Yeah, I just wish it was on better terms... Not this."

He pointed to his maid outfit, sighing in embarrassment. "Ah, same..." He gave a smile. "Well I'm-"

"I'm not paying you to chat up women, am I?" Reborn asked. "You're not paying me at all!" Dino exclaimed.

"Reborn-san!" You exclaimed. "Aren't you paying him?" You asked, leaning forward as he stood beside Dino.

"You know his current title, so of course not." Reborn stated, hands on his hips. "But wouldn't pocket money be helpful for him?"

You tilted your head, glancing the blonde. "Yeah, Reborn. [Name] is ri-" he stopped as he was hit with the menu.

"Mistress. It's Mistress, get it right." Reborn stated. "R-Right..." You waved you hands frantically. "You don't need to call me that!"

"Then it wouldn't be a maid cafe." Reborn chortled. "Anyways, get back to work." He ordered. Dino sighed wearily as the Arcobaleno walked off.

"Sorry bout' that..." He ran a hand through his hair, sighing. "Your head piece is coming out!" You exclaimed.

"Ah, shit! If I don't have this on Reborn will hit me again!" Dino fussed. "Let me help!" You stood to help tie it into place, though of course that didn't happen.

Dino tripped, throwing his hands forward. What a horrible idea as his hands landed somewhere they shouldn't have.

You took a deep breath, a dark blush colouring both your's and Dino's cheeks. He pulled away quickly causing him to fall backwards.

"I'm so sorry!" He exclaimed. You hugged yourself, covering your chest. "I-It's fine..." You mumbled, keeping your head down.

Dino grabbed his head piece and tied it on lazily. "U-Um, what can I get you, M-Mistress...?" He asked quickly.

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