Chapter 7

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Austins POV

Did I really say that? Or is this a dream?

"You're the one" I said again. She looked up at me.

"Are you sure?" She questioned me..

"I am positive." I smiled at her. I was going to lean in for a kiss but then I heard the front door shut.

"AMBER Is Austin gone? Are you kissing your posters again?" I looked at her and started laughing. She smacked my arm.

"You have to go Austin." She lead me to the window and opened it. I walked out onto the platform. I turned around.

Ambers POV

This is a bad idea. Is he really going to jump ?

He got outside. He turned to me. I looked at the door to see if my mom was coming upstairs.

"Do you want to go to the movies tonight? At 8?" He questioned. I turned to him. We're face to face.

"Sure." I smiled at him. He looked at my lips, i looked at his. His lips looked red and wet. He leaned closer to me and gave me a soft kiss. Before I knew it he was gone. I was standing there alone. The door opened behind me. I turned around.

"Why is the window open?" Mom asked me.

"Oh.. I needed air." I chuckled. She smiled at me and said

"Oh okay. Get ready we have visit your sister in the hospital." I looked down at the floor and said okay. She closed the door and I sat on the couch.

After my dad died, my sister got in a car accident. She got rushed to the hospital and they had to do surgery on her head. The large impact caused her to have brain damage.  Something happened and they fixed her up but she went in a coma. We've been waiting for her to wake up. The surgery was 3 years ago.

Austins POV

I can't stop smiling. When I got home Mama asked me where I was. I told her that I was at her house.

"I need to meet this "Amber" girl, Austin." Mama said. She emphasised on Amber.

"You'll meet her tonight. After we go to the movies I'll bring her over" I said smiling.

8 o'clock came and I took my car and drove to her house. I closed the car door and stood there, waiting for her. I looked at my watch because by now she would've called me. The living room lights were on and so was her room lights. She has to be home.

Why isn't she coming? Did something happen?

I took my phone out and called her cell. It went to voicemail.

Please pick up. Please??

I ran to her front porch. I knocked on the door loudly. Her mom opened the door.

"Oh Austin. Im so sorry. She's upstairs. Something happened. She's quite sad." She seemed sad too. Her eyes were red and a little bit puffy. She was acting like she was fine but she wasn't.

"Oh okay Mrs.McAllen." I looked at the floor trying act like everything was okay. It wasn't but if she's sad than that's fine.

"She asked me if she can go to the movies with you. I said yes. But after we went to the hospital she didn't want to go." Once she said hospital I looked up.

"Hospital?" I questioned.

"Yea. The hospital. Her sister. She didn't tell you yet?" Her mom looked surprised.

"She didn't tell me anything." I looked at the floor once again.

"I think she should tell you, not me. She'll feel better tomorrow. Come back tomorrow Austin." She closed the door and left me outside.

Did something happen to her?? What happened at the hospital? Is she okay?

These questions were in my head while I was walking back to my car. I drove off thinking about Amber and what happened at the hospital that made her not go on our date. I just hope she's alright.

Something happened with the publishing thing. It has Chapter 8 in front of Chapter 7 for some reason. I don't know why.

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