Chapter 28

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Ambers POV

I don't want to tell the story but I have to. I looked down at the water and spoke.

"Every weekend my father and I would go on fishing trips. We would catch fish on nets and listen to the tiny waves hitting against the side of Sally..." I looked at him and I can tell he was interested. I continued.

"Sally is out boats name." I smiled at him and he smiled back. It was silent then I spoke again.

"I told you he had cancer right?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Well since he had cancer, we wouldn't go out to the ocean because he had cancer. Then one day I walked in his room. He called me over and said "Lets go fishing." i wanted to say no but i couldn't. Did you know that he was so weak he couldn't pick up a pencil..." I look at my hands and I sighed. Then I see Austins hand touch mine. I look up.

"Its okay. You can tell me." He said calmly. I nodded.

"So I took him out to Sally. It was about 2 PM when we got on the boat. I looked at him while he was sitting on his wheel chair and I thought "Why does he want to go on the boat? Its been a long time since he was on Sally." so I asked him. He looked at me and said "I want to go on Sally because this is the last I'm ever going to be with her." I thought to myself "what is he talking about". Then he said it. The words that I never wanted to hear. He said "I'm going to die." I asked him when and he said "Next week" It was a Saturday when we were on Sally. The next week my dad died on a Wednesday morning." The last sentence I said quickly. We only had 3 days together. There wasn't that much time.

"April 1st 2010 was the worst day of my life. My dad died peacefully on a hospital bed. But ..." I looked down

"3 days later, I found you." I whispered.

"You found me on my birthday." He said slowly but raspy.

"Although I was sad, I was happy too because I had you." I looked at him. He smiled and grabbed my hand.

"Im sorry about your dad Amber..." He grabbed my hand and held it. He looked back at me.

"But do you know why I'm happy." He questioned.

"Why?" I asked

"Because I have you." He kissed my hand and smiled. I rested my head on his shoulder.

"I love you" I heard Austin whisper. I look up at him.

"I love you too Austin." I looked at his lips and leaned in for a kiss. This kiss was different. It felt like the whole world stopped and that it was only me and him against the world. But I couldn't say that because hes going on tour tomorrow.

How was it? Do you like it? hahah If I get 25 votes, I'll make Chapter 29 :)

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