Chapter 54

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Austins POV

"Doctor ..." I said impatient while looking into the doctors eyes.

After Amber didn't recognize me, Robert and Zach came into the room with the doctor. Robert and Zach told the doctor that we were looking for him. And here we are sitting in his dark room.

I'm sitting on a low, brown chair looking up and I see the doctor crossing his arms. The only thing that is separating me from him is the 100 pound black desk.

"Doctor ...she doesn't recognize me." I said irritated while leaning on the edge of the chair.

"Do you know what happened to her in that car crash?" I said leaning back in my chair. Waiting for him to tell me what happened.

"Im sorry, I cant tell you Austin." He said crossing his hands. I started examining him. He has black hair but you can tell that he dyes it so it doesn't turn white. He's probably in his late 40s.

But the thing that caught my eyes were his name tag. His tag said Doctor Ruben.

"Doctor Ruben .. I know you're not suppose to tell me but .." I looked straight at him with tears in my eyes.

"But I need to know." I said looking back down.

"Okay." He said. I jumped up in my chair and smiled.

"In the car crash, the car hit her car from the right side ..." He got up and went to the board and took a marker. He then started drawing something.

He moved away and i saw a red car on the left vertical and a black car on the right horizontal. He then started explaining.

He pointed to the left car and said "The red car is Ambers car and the black car is the mans car." He then pointed to the right car.

"The black car hit Amber car precisely in the middle of Ambers car..." He said drawing in the board.

"Amber was on the drivers side of the car. Which means that the car didn't hit her but the gravity of the hit, made her hit her head on the glass window..." Everything was silent.

"Since the man was driving about 60 miles per hour, she hit her head pretty hard ..." he said erasing the board.

"I'm surprised she isn't dead ..." It went silent again, but he continued.

"When a person hits their head that hard they're suppose to be in a coma, but I'm surprised Ambers not in a coma. She's a fighter." He said sitting back down in his chair. I was quiet.

"Is that the reason she doesn't remember me?" I said looking at him.

He nodded and said "Yes."

"Is it permanent?" I said concerned.

He looked down thinking. Then he said "It will become permanent but if you make her remember what happened between all of you guys, then she'll remember." He said looking around.

All of you guys? I thought looking around. Then I remember, Everyone was in the room with me and the doctor. I thought it was only the doc and me.

"Okay ..." I got up and held out my hand so he can shake it.

"Thank you doc." He shook my hand and we all started walking out. Everyone was walking out he door but then someone tapped my shoulder.

I turned around and I see the doctor.

"I suggest bringing her to the places where you guys met before ..." He said but I was confused.

"So she can remember you ..." He whispered. But I was still confused.

"Aren't you guys boyfriend and girlfriend?" He asked me.

"We broke up a couple of months ago." I said looking down.

"Then this is a good time to start fresh..." He smiled.

Then he put his hand on my shoulder and said "I can tell you still care about her. Take all the mistakes you had with her and flush them down the toilet and start new with Amber..." He then started walking out the door but he turned around.

"By the way, my daughter loves you. She loves your music." He said but I smiled at him.

"Thanks" I smiled and he walked away. I stood there and all I can think about is what he said.

Start fresh. I repeated in my head.

Bring her to the places were we met before so she can remember. I thought to myself.

I'm going to do this. I'm going to make her remember me. She can't leave me like this. Because the truth is, I still love her.

:) Thank you so much for reading guys <3 If this Chapter get 45 votes, I'll make Chapter 55 :)

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