Kaner's on a Roll

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"Okay boys, let's go", I yell at the Hawks as the last of them skates onto the ice. "Let's start with the normal warmup laps".

I start in front of them for the first few laps until they get their energy up and start tapping me on the shoulder to move. I merge to the side of the group and I keep counting until they get to twenty. I start them with their normal practice and training. Dad watches from the bench as usual, I guess I should call him Q when we're at work. He always has his skates on, but never seems to use them during practice, unless very much needed.

I end practice two hours later, after everyone did what I needed them to do. Most of them I split up with my staff and they worked on certain things. Most just needed the speed on skates. I understand that they are very large men in somewhat heavy equipment, but if we want to win the puck, they need the speed. A lot of other teams have very small, fast men, and we need the same.

I head back to my office to start on my paperwork for the day. Evaluation and assessments of each of the players. I have to do it once a week, so I watch them in shifts. Today was half of the defensemen. I finish them just as I get a knock on my door. One of my staff, Arron, the guy from my orientation, smiles in at me. I wave him in and he walks through the door.

"Hey, Kaner needs you in the ice tub room. And, don't worry, they are all completely covered", he smiles again and walks back out of my office. I stack a pile of paper nicely in the middle of my desk and head into the tub room. I open the door slowly, so no one walks around naked when I'm in there. I open the door to find all five tubs full of ice, but only four guys. Seabs, Shawzy, Panarin, and Darling are all in the tubs. I don't see Kane around so I look to Shaw, who has a smirk on his face. The one he always has.

"Where is he?" I ask as I hear shuffling behind me. The other guys in the tubs start to chuckle to each other.

Before I could turn around, arms grab around my waist and hoist me a few inches off the ground. "Kaner! Put me down!" I squeal.

He walks slowly, still holding me in front of him, squirming to get out of his hold, and walks to the tub. As I squirm more, he reaches the back of the tub and dumps me in. The pain of the cold hits me almost instantly. I sit still, shocked at how cold the water is. The only thing I can move is my head. My arms, I hold above the water. I turn my head to look behind me at Kane, who is laughing his A$$ off, almost falling to the floor.

"Patrick", I breathe in, so I don't scream, "Patrick. You are so dead". He's still laughing so hard. My lips feel like they're going purple.

I notice a bucket beside the tub. The others watch me carefully, all careful not to say anything to the moron rolling on the floor behind the freezing cold tub behind me. I pick up the bucket quietly and dunk it into the water. I stand up silently and turn to face him. He's stopped laughing by now, so now he's just laying on the floor, looking like an idiot, feeling the aftershock of his laughing fit. His eyes are closed. This is the perfect opportunity to do it.

Just as he opens his eyes, I pour the bucket of ice over him. He flinches, rushing to cover his face. It spills over him and he screams, almost with as high of a pitch as mine. The water is all over the floor, and now the four guys in the tub are laughing hysterically, and a few others on the team ran into the room the second they heard my scream. My staff stand at the back of the room, laughing as well.

Patrick lays on the ground in shock for a moment, before I walk to the shelf and grab two towels. I put the first around my body, then throw the next one at him. He catches it just before it hits his face. Patrick springs to his feet, stabilizing himself a few feet in front of me. We laugh at each other, the others in the room cheer mockingly.

As we both finish drying off, the guys in the tubs dry themselves off and put their clothes on in the back room. A moment later, Darling comes out first and grabs the towels from our hands. Seabrook and Shaw then come running out of the back room. In their hands are buckets filled with more water. Shit.

I reach out for Patrick before they reach us. My arms wrap around his torso, his arms cover my head. The water pours over us, and it's more ice than anything. I squeal as the water runs under my clothes and down my back. Patrick releases me a second after the water is done pouring down us. Everyone is laughing so hard around us.

Darling hands us our towels back and we start to dry off. I run my fingers though my hair to get the knots out. I take off my Hawks sweatshirt, so my shirt takes less time to dry, because I have to be here for at least three more hours.

The door to the tub room opens. All of us turn our attention to the person standing there. "My office", he says. "Now".

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