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Two weeks later


Tonight is my second date with Jonathan. I wanted to make him dinner, but because we can't do it at my house, we're doing it at his. I am currently at the store buying the ingredients for my family's recipe for spaghetti and meatballs. I know, nothing real special about spaghetti, right? But we have a family recipe for meatballs. 

I put everything into the cart for the recipe, pay for it, and drive from my suburban town into Chicago. I text Jonathan to let me into his driveway, and the gate opens. I pull in and grab the grocery bags from the back of my car, along with my bag so I don't have to go home before practice tomorrow morning. My parents think I'm staying at Kayla's tonight, like always.

"Hey there, Baby Q", Jonathan says to me as he opens his front door. I step into the threshold and lean against Jonathan chest, standing on my tiptoes and placing a soft kiss on his lips. He looks down at my hands. "Oh, god. Let me take those from you".

Jonathan effortlessly takes the grocery bags from my hands. He walks into the house and sets them on the kitchen counter. I take my shoes off and take them and my bag into the guest room. I put my bag on the bed and my shoes next to the door.

It's only been two weeks that we've been dating. After having to sleep in the same bed up at Shawzy's cabin, we both feel it's better that we not sleep in the same bed and that if I stay at his house, which is becoming more and more often, I will stay in the guest room until we're both ready to sleep in the same bed.

"So, how's my girl today?" Jonathan asks me as I walk back into the kitchen. He starts to take out the groceries from the bags. Every time he calls me a sweet name, especially that one, my stomach flutters with butterflies and I blush.

"I'm doing well, how are you today?" I ask him. I take out more of the groceries, and before he can respond, I feel his arms snake around my waist. I tense for a moment, then lean back into him. I reach up to Jonathan's face as he lays his chin on my shoulder.

"I'm doing well. I get to see you", Jonathan whispers into my ear.

I turn my head and lean my neck back so I can get my lips to Jonathan's face. "We've had dinner, like, every night we haven't had a game. I've also slept over a few times this week", I laugh. "But I do like seeing you".

"Yeah, whatever", Jonathan chuckles, places another kiss on my cheek, then steps away from me.

We start a conversation and unload all of the groceries for dinner. "What are we making?" Jonathan asks me.

"Spaghetti and homemade meatballs", I reply. "Secret family recipe". 

"Delicious", Jonathan smiles at me.

I ask Jonathan for multiple kitchen utensils and bowls to start on the meatballs. I get Jonathan to help me, but he finds it as 'too complicated' to make. I laugh at him and continue on with the meal.

"Where are we eating tonight?" I ask Jonathan as I put the pasta into the boiling water.

"The dining room table, instead of the bar. Seems more romantic", Jonathan tells me.

Fifteen minutes later, the pasta is finished cooking, and I take the meatballs out of the oven. I set it on a hot pad on the counter next to me and stir everything together. "Bowls, please", I ask Jonathan. He takes two white plates from a cupboard next to the fridge.

I fill the two white bowls with the meatballs and spaghetti, then carry them to the table near to the front window. It's a large table, so Jonathan had set our places at the head of the table, and the one to it's right. Glasses of water sit at each place, and the napkins are under forks and knives, laying neatly at the table. I set the bowls down and Jonathan pulls my chair out for me to sit.

We continue on conversations as we eat our meal together. Jonathan and I laugh about stories about our lives, and the few stories we have of each other. 

"How could you not have known who I was?" I laugh, almost yelling, to Jonathan. "I was literally there when you were drafted onto the team, and, at like, everything that had to do with the team". 

"I have no idea. I really don't. You just never crossed my path. I'm sorry you didn't sooner. It would have been a great time", Jonathan replies to me. 

"Awe", I mutter. "That's sweet".

Jonathan holds his hands up in surrender, sarcastically. "I never said I would have asked you out, I just said it would have been nice to know you".

I slap his shoulder, laughing again. We both finish up our dinner, and Jonathan carries the two ceramic dishes to the sink, rinsing them slightly, then opens the dishwasher, and sets them in. 

"Movie night?" Jonathan asks. I nod excitedly. "I want to change out of these ridiculous clothes. Meet me in the living room".

Jonathan stalks off to his room, and I go into my guest room. I shut the door and go to my bag. Taking out my Blackhawks leggings and a red tank top, I brush my hair into a ponytail and change my clothes. 

Jonathan and I meet at the living room arch way at the same time. I sit on the couch as Jonathan stands in front of the TV. "Movie?"

We both think for a moment. "What about... Footloose?" I ask. 

"We are literally made for each other", Jonathan chuckles. "I was actually thinking about watching that movie earlier".

Jonathan turns on the movie and sits down next to me. I lean against him, and his arm rests behind me, pulling me in closer to him. I lay my head on his shoulder as the movie starts. 

I don't know how I can tell him, it's too early to tell him I love him.

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