Sneaking Out

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I start down the stairs first, Jonathan copying my footsteps down. I stop him and look over the banister. I hear Mom in the kitchen. She's doing the dishes.

"Stay here", I whisper to Jonathan. He nods and I go down the stairs, into the kitchen.

"Good morning, Mama", I smile, grabbing a thermos from the cupboard. I sling my work bag over my shoulder and fill the cup with black coffee, just the way I like it. But only when I'm hungover.

"Good morning, Sweetheart. You're running late", Mom says to me, she gives me a Mom's smile.

"I know. Late party. I'm good though. But I also have to stop and gives Toews a ride, he's having car troubles. I guess everybody's already at the UC and I'm the only one left. I should only be a couple minutes late now", I kiss Mom on the cheek. "Bye".

I walk back to the staircase and find Jonathan isn't there. I start to panic. Where did he go?

"Looking for this?" I hear my sister's voice from behind me. I turn slowly.

In the front door, Jada stands, holding the collar of Jonathan's shirt. Jonathan is bent down so she isn't choking him, and he looks terrified.

"Do Mom or Dad know that he's here?" My little sister asks with a smirk on her face.

"Do Mom and Dad know you smoke weed?"

Jada gasps. "You won't tell them I do".

"Then they don't find out he was here", I walk closer to Jada and Jonathan.

"What are you going to do if I tell?"

"Then I tell them that your supplier is your best friend and you sell to your dorm mates. I'd think they would forget about my accident, and that he was getting me home safe from the party, and Dad would make you drop out of Concordia".  

"Ugh", Jada groans, then lets go of Jonathan's collar. "I won't tell. But you owe me".

"I think not telling Mom or Dad is pay enough", I cross my arms over my chest. Then, I start for a walk out the door. "Now, if you can excuse us, we have to get to work before Q yells at the both of us".

Jonathan follows me out the door. I unlock my car doors and he sits in the passenger seat. It's silent between us as I start the car and back out of my driveway. I get onto the highway at the edge of town and start the half hour drive to the practice center, plus we have to stop at Jonathan's house for his work bag, with whatever he could possibly need for a practice.

"CJ", Jonathan starts. I look over at him for a split second. "What happened last night?"

What did happen last night? I don't remember too much, nothing after Jonathan saved me from the drunk guy. The alcohol must have hit my system by the time that fight was over. Jonathan had brought me home, that's it. 

"Jonathan, if you're thinking that I was trying to dance with that guy, I wasn't. I was dancing with my girl friend, and she went to get a drink, so I kept dancing when he came up to me. I had never seen him before, but I knew his friend. I tried to fight back, and I did my best-"

Jonathan cuts me off. "Don't think I blame you for this, I'm not. I just wanted to know how long it had taken me to get to you from the time he started doing that". 

"Maybe a minute or so", I say to him. 

"Did he hurt you? Hit you?"

"Jonathan, I'm fine. You saved me before anything like that had happened. I'm sure he would have if you hadn't showed up", I respond to him. I hear his breath of relief. "Can we please not talk about it? I'd rather not think about it". 

I can tell Jonathan thinks for a moment, then asks, "Does your sister really smoke?"

"Definitely. However, I got more truth out of her just then. I didn't know that she sold to her dorm mates. That was just a lucky guess. But now I have more to hold over her head", I laugh. 

"Wow", Jonathan chuckles. "I never realized sisters were so mean to each other. I just thought it was brothers. Me and David do it all the time". 

The rest of the ride, we share stories about having siblings. Jonathan just has his little brother, while I have 19 year old, Jada, and 22 year old, Mia. I have a good relationship with my sisters, but like all siblings, we fight a lot.

I pull up to the curb outside of Jonathan's house and he starts to get out of my car. "You can come in if you want. You don't have to sit out here".

That was pretty much his way of saying that I have to follow him. I pull the keys out of the ignition. Jonathan and I walk up the walkout to his front door. He pulls his keys out of his pocket and unlocks the door. He lets me walk in first and I slip off my shoes next to the door. Jonathan starts to rush around his house. I follow one of his paths into the kitchen and sit at the island in the middle of the room. He continues to rush around and grabs a bag from next to my feet. 

"Ready?" Jonathan asks me. I nod.

I take one last look around the kitchen and notice pictures of Jonathan's family and of him with the team. One picture is of his draft in 2006. He's shaking hands with my father on stage in Vancouver. I was only sixteen at the time, we was nineteen, going into his second year of college. The same college I just graduated from last year. I remember meeting Jonathan for about twenty seconds at his draft, I barely remember it.

This relationship between us is a really bad. It's worse than mine with Patrick.

This is a bad idea.

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