Little Bro

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Jonathan's younger brother, David, I have met before, a few years ago, at Jonathan's draft. I still don't understand why I hadn't met Jonathan if I had met his little brother, and quite possibly his parents, if I'm remembering correctly.

I help Mrs. Toews make her special recipe for walleye. I'm personally not a huge fan of walleye, or any other fish, but I'm going to go with it for this one night. She tells me she's making other things for dinner, though won't tell me exactly what. I'm guessing a pasta salad, asparagus, and a regular salad, from the ingredients she has laid out on the counter.

Mrs. Toews sent Jonathan and his father off to fish with David, then come back for dinner, so she could get a better chance to know me. Jonathan objected at first, then his mother gave him that I'm your mother, listen to me look. He left with his father immediately.

"So, CJ. What do you find so attractive in my son? It's not the fact that he's a professional hockey player and that he has money, is it?"

I stand at the kitchen counter cutting up a head of lettuce, and look over at her in disbelief. She faces the sink, so she can't see my look. I shake my head to myself. "God, no. Mrs. Toews, I would never date someone for their money or fame. I grew up around people like Jonathan, with their money and fame of being an NHL player. I love your son because he's kind, and sweet, and as much as other people don't see it, his sense of humor. Your son has helped me through so much in just the past few months, than most people have in my entire life". I stop. "I'm nothing like his ex, as of what I've heard of her. She was a gold digger, and I get that you think it will happen again, but that girl wouldn't be me".

I go back to cutting what she tells me to, and answer her awful questions the best I can. I can't even stop thinking about that question though. How many girls has she met of Jonathan's date that liked him for his money, because it certainly wouldn't be me.

Jonathan and his father, with David, come home a few hours later. I take a huge sigh of relief as they walk into the kitchen. I continue on my directions from Mrs. Toews as they say hi. I feel two hands make their way to grip my hips. I stop what I'm doing and drop the knife in my hands.

"Hi, Baby", Jonathan whispers into my ear. A tingle is sent down my spine.

I turn to look up at him. "We need to talk. Now", I say harshly, but smile at the same time.

"Okay". Jonathan's hand grips around mine. "I guess we'll be right back", he says to his family.

I hear the words "Don't come back pregnant" from David, and then a sound like he was getting hit by a roll of newspaper.

He leads me up the stairs and into his childhood room, which is now just a guest bedroom. I shut the door quickly and he sits down on the bed. "Do you know what your mother just asked me?"

"No?" Jonathan says, confused beyond belief.

"Your mother just asked if I was dating you for your money and fame. She-"

"She what?" Jonathan stands off the bed, taking a step closer. He looks like he wants to say something, but he tries to think. "CJ, I'm so sorry. She means well, but my mother gets carried away with her questions sometimes. I know you're not doing that. I'll talk to her about her questions to you. They'll stop".

He wraps his arms around me, looking down at me with his big brown eyes that make me want to melt into them. I look up at him, smiling slightly. "Don't tell her I told you that. I just felt like I needed to tell someone, and I freaked out. I shouldn't have said anything".

He closes the space between us, placing his chin on top of my head. "I'm glad you told me. I knew something like this was going to happen". We release each other from our grips. "Come on. Let's go eat dinner. The house smelled so good when we walked in".

Walking down the stairs, he wraps his arm over my shoulders. I lean into him and take in his scent. I cough at it. "Jonathan", I stop him at the bottom of the stairs. "You stink. Like fish".

"It comes with the family, Sweetheart", I hear from the kitchen doorway. I look over to see David with a small smirk on his face. "You don't get out of the family outings or gatherings without smelling like some type of fish. Hate to break it to you".

"CJ, this is David. My extremely annoying little brother", Jonathan says to me.

"Oh, we've met. Quite a few times, actually", David says. Jonathan looks at me in disbelief. I shrug. "Most recently was your team Cup party last spring. She was there with Patrick".

"Why-", Jonathan laughs. "is that everyone in my life has already met you before, but me. Who else knew you before I did?"

"We did", Jonathan's father raises his hand in the kitchen, then chuckle. "Your first Stanley cup party, back in twenty-ten. She was so young then. Looked to be about fourteen, then. But hey, you still look like you're sixteen, so".

"Oh geez", Jonathan rubs the bridge of his nose. "Is that it?"

"I can't think of anyone else we would both know. So, I think that's it", I pat Jonathan's chest in reassurance.

"Come on kids. Let's eat".

Well, I don't think this vacation was exactly the best, but it wasn't a bad idea.

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