Please Don't

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"Oh Baby Q", I hear Kayla call through my house when she walks through the front door. It only takes her a matter of seconds to make it to my room, where I'm getting ready for the party at Derek's house tonight. "You look hot".

I look over myself in the mirror, I picked out a maroon crop top and a high waisted skirt. My hair has a beach look to it, because I let it air dry, and my earrings are barely noticeable with all of my hair. "Thanks", I say. I look at Kayla, who's wearing a short, olive green t-shirt dress with a pair of tan boots. Her hair is in a high ponytail. "So do you".

We talk for awhile, then Kayla tells me she invited Patrick to come with us, and he was going to meet us at the party. I look at the clock and see it's already 10. I put the final touches on, lip gloss, hair spray, things like that, and we head down to my car. We agree that I'll be the designated driver because she likes to drink more than I do. I can stop after I have one drink at the beginning of the night. Her, not so much. She will drink until I make her stop, or drag her out of the party.

Kayla drives us because she knows the route to Derek's house better than I do. I just hope I can get home tonight when I have to drive. The drive to the party takes a little bit less than half an hour, and we get there at 10:45. I slip my phone into the pocket of my skirt and readjust it on my waist. Kayla fixes her hair in the visor mirror and steps out of the car. I follow her into the house.

The second we get out, I can both hear and feel the music resonating from the house. Kayla gives me a smile and we walk in. The music hurts my ears for a moment, but I get used to it quickly. Kayla grabs my hand and drags me into the kitchen. She grabs the first beer for each of us. I take swigs slowly as we head into the dance room. I lose Kayla soon in the crowd, but I start to dance with a girl I've known for a few years. She's a mutual friend through Derek, her name is Zaina.

Zaina and I jump up, and spin around, and dance our god awful moves to the awful music. I finish my beer and throw the glass in a can in the kitchen, then go back to dancing.

I notice Kayla crushed up against a blonde guy an inch or two taller than her. Patrick. Kayla happens to look over at see me. She waves at me, then Patrick looks over and does the same. They continue on dancing, still crushed against each other, almost like one person. I laugh a little as I return to dancing near Zaina. 

Zaina tells me after a while that she's going to go get another drink and asked if I wanted anything. I decline the offer and she runs off to the kitchen for another alcoholic drink. I stay and dance like my life was going to end tomorrow.

I suddenly feel hands lay themselves on my hips. The hands turn me around and behind me is a large guy, with dark hair and sparkling eyes, but not in a good way. He looks down at me with lust in his eyes. "Would you like to dance with me?" He asks.

"I'm sorry, I'm waiting for my boyfriend", I lie to him to try to get him to go away. He doesn't.

"Oh come on, Baby Girl, just one dance. Your boyfriend wouldn't mind", he slurs with his alcoholic breath. "Why don't you dance with me, Baby Girl?"

"I told you. I have a boyfriend", I raise my voice, still trying to remove his hands from my waist. I hit his arm, and his hands just get tighter. "Stop, please".

"Oh, Baby, I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to dance". The guy pulls me towards him. His voice starts to grow harsh. "All I want to do is dance with you, Baby Girl".

"Please", I plead. Hitting both his chest and arms. His grip gets even harder. "Let. Me. Go!"

The music is too loud for anyone else to hear my fighting against this drunk man. I try to fight, and I scream and hit him, but his hands just keep getting tighter. He starts to bend forward to kiss me when another pair of hands pull me away. I stumble back as the second person goes up to the drunken dancer and pushes him back.

"What the hell is your problem?" I barely hear from a few feet in front of me. "No means no".

The drunk guy stumbles back but finds his balance. He goes up to my savior and throws a punch, but he dodges it. Before the drunk guy can throw another, another guy, who seems to be his friend, comes up and stops him. The friend takes the drunk guy's arm and takes him away into the kitchen. My savior stands there for a split second.

"Thank yo-" I can't finish what I say as he turns around. I'm stunned at who it is.


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