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"What the hell?" Jonathan stammers out in shock. "Did you know they were going to dinner tonight?"

"No", I answer him. "When I left the house, he was in sweatpants and reading a book in the family room. All he told me was that we have breakfast with Bowman tomorrow morning".

"What are we going to do?" Jonathan asks. "We can't stay if we're going to keep this up".

I think quickly. "We can. One second".

I hop out of my chair and grab my purse. I rush to the bathroom and start on my undercover look. I take out my glasses with fake lenses in them, and then run brush through my hair, pulling it into a high ponytail. I wipe off my eye shadow, which I didn't really feel like wearing anyway, and walk back into the main restaurant.

"How's this?" I ask Jonathan. He looks at me, half angry, half surprised. "Your back is to them so they won't see you, and my father would never recognize me like this".

"CJ", Jonathan starts, looking down at the table. "I don't want to hide this from everyone".

I grab his hand from across the table. "It hurts me to hide this from my parents, but if we want this to work, we need to do this, at least for now. I will take the glasses off and become me again when we leave. I'm sorry".

"I am too", Jonathan says.

Our food arrives and we eat, not letting anything else around us distract us from each other. We share stories about everything. I keep watch on the table filled my dad and our colleagues from the stadium. Jonathan and I laugh about just about anything we tell each other.

Once we finish our dinner, and the waitress asks if we want any kind of dessert. Jonathan and I look at each other, both knowing the answer is 'no'. "I think we'll just take the check, please", Jonathan tells Cassandra. She nods and walks off.

"So?" I ask with a mischievous smile . "What's next?"

"I don't know. What do you want to do? We could go walk around somewhere, or we could go see a movie, or go back to my place to watch a movie. I don't know".

We both think for a moment. "I like the idea of going back to your house. No one else would catch us together", I reply.

After Jonathan pays for dinner, he drives us back to the UC to pick up my car, and we both drive to his house. I already know my way through the city to his house, since I had to take him there and to the UC a couple of weeks ago.

Jonathan pulls his car into his one car garage, and I pull my car into his small driveway in front of it. The gate around Jonathan's small, city yard closes behind my car. Jonathan hops out of his car and we walk down the walk towards his front door.

Jonathan unlocks his front door after taking the keys out of his front pocket. "You can put your purse down here, if you want", Jonathan says to me as we walk into the kitchen. "And your shoes there. Heels don't seem too comfortable", he laughs. He points to a small rug near the front door behind me. I walk over and pull the shoes off of my feet.

Jonathan stands behind the bar in his kitchen, and I move one of the chairs. He leans over the sink in front of him to be closer to me. "What do you want to watch?"

I think about it for a second. "I don't know. What about an older movie?"

"Hmmm? How about Ferris Bueller's Day Off. My favorite movie from the eighties".

"Sounds perfect", I smile. Jonathan grins.

"Lets go, then", Jonathan says.

He walks around the bar as I hop down from the chair. I follow him through an entryway and into a back living room. The walls are white, and all the furniture is an off white or tan color. His TV is on the back wall in front of me and a bookshelf with both books and movies sit under the TV.

"Take a seat. I'll put the movie on".

I walk around to the front of the biggest couch and sit closer to the middle of it. I sit with my back straight and my hands clamped between my knees to warm them up. Jonathan walks over to the TV and pulls out a DVD, then the TV turns on and the movie shows on the screen. 

Jonathan walks over and sits close to me, only a few inches or so away. I curl my feet under me as the first scene of Ferris Bueller starts. We're silent for a little while for the movie to play. Neither of us move, and I'm starting to feel the awkwardness in the room.

"Is it just me", Jonathan starts, as Cameron lays in his bed, extremely sick, on the screen, contemplating his death. "Or is sitting next to each other right now extremely awkward. Get over here, geez", he jokes.

I roll my eyes, playfully. I pull my feet out from under me and move myself closer to Jonathan. He wraps his arm around my shoulders, and I lean against his side. The movie continues as we situate ourselves together.

The movie finishes, but we don't move, and we don't talk. I lazily close my eyes and lean my head on Jonathan's chest. His arm wraps me closer to him as I fall asleep.

Deep asleep.

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