Night Out on the Town

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"Hey, guys", Kayla and I say at the same time. We give each other a look and giggle. 

"Hey, ladies", Patrick greets us. Jonathan gives a small nod.

We talk for a few minutes before more of the team shows up with their wives and girlfriends. The first thing the group decides on is the Ferris wheel. After telling the worker that there were 60 of us, the team pretty much has the wheel to ourselves.

Jonathan, Patrick, Kayla, and I are in one of the carts. Kayla is afraid of heights, and so is Patrick. In the round cart, we sit, from left to right, Jonathan, Patrick, me, then Kayla. Kayla holds onto my arm, and Patrick holds my hand tightly. 

The team is somehow split up, so I ended up with just Jonathan, Patrick, and Kayla. We all knew the team was too big to stay in one group the entire night. Patrick and Kayla are glued to each other, talking about their experiences with their fear of heights. They seem to walk ahead of us just a little ways, so Jonathan and I walk behind them, listening to their fascinating stories.

Soon enough, we can barely see Patrick and Kayla anymore. "So, what's it like having Q as your father? It kind of seems intense", Jonathan asks me. He looks down at my five-foot five stature, from his six-foot two stature.

"Well, you're right. It's very intense. But we both have the two different lives. The home life, and now the work life. Home life, he's fun and just like what you see from him when you aren't practicing, and just hanging out as a team. But, at work, he has to be the hardest boss I've ever had. But, that's because he only wants the best from every single one of his staff and players, you know that. It just sometimes feels like he wants too much from me as part of his staff, so I have to work even harder than I already am".

"That sounds kind of nice, in a way. You get to see how hard your dad works for both his family and his job. I know you're probably biased, but he's the greatest coach I've ever had, and I know a lot of the other guys say that too", he tells me. 

We talk about everything as we walk slowly down the pier. We lost Patrick and Kayla ways back, but I know they are still here, she wouldn't leave without texting me. 

Jonathan and I finally make it all the way to the end of the pier, walking close and our hands brushing together. The sun sets to the left of us as we look out over Lake Michigan. The sun glistens over the water, making it look yellow, red, and orange. We lean against the railing, the orange water only ten feet below us.

From my purse, my phone vibrates. I take it out quickly. It's from Patrick. I show the screen to Jonathan as he leans over my shoulder. Kayla and I are leaving. Her phone is dead. Text me if you need her.

"Well, there goes my ride home", Jonathan chuckles a little. "Good thing I don't live too far from here. Remind me next time to take my own car".

I look up at him. "I have a car. I could take you home.", I tell him, then I glance at the time on my phone. "Oh, it's kind of late. Are you hungry at all? I'm starving".

"Yeah", he replies. "How about that restaurant at the base of the pier? I love that place".

"Sounds good", I say as we start walking back.

We walk slowly back and find a few more people from the team. By the time we make it to the end of the pier, we find Crawford, Darling, and Shaw. They and their wives and girlfriends decide to join us for dinner.

The table is small, it barely fits the eight of us. I'm squished between Jonathan and Corey Crawford. We all sit and just tell stories and laugh. Our group orders our food and it comes soon enough. Shaw starts to tell us his story of the puck to the face when they won the Stanley cup last spring. The way he is telling it is hilarious. He starts to act it out with Darling being the person who shot the puck to Shaw's face. Shaw still has a small scar from it, too.

Dinner is over a couple hours and I offer Jonathan a ride home because it's late, and Patrick and Kayla are still out somewhere. It's her problem now because I was her ride back home. Patrick isn't answering his phone, and Kayla's is dead.

Jonathan tells me where to drive to his house, and I park outside on the curb. He looks over at me. "Thanks for tonight. I had fun".

"Me too. Thanks for hanging with me. And, of course. Please, don't tell my father about this. If he happened to ask what you did tonight, say you went to the pier, like you did, just don't mention I was here. Please".

"I won't", he laughs. Before he gets out of the car, he leans over to me. After doing what he just did, he hurries out of the car and into his front door.

Jonathan Toews just kissed me.

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