Chapter 2

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Quiet!" Evangeline yells as she bursts through the doorway. "You are driving your poor father to distraction!" Her soft hair fell in front of her face as she yelled, staring at all of us with disbelief.

The kids remained silent, watching as she crossed the room. I couldn't help but watch her sympathetically. It was an issue I had, looking at things like I wanted to mend them. Although it was different with Evangeline - I felt bad. She should be getting educated on how to read and write, not being a scullery maid. When we've all calmed down, She opens her book.

"What's this word, Lily?" Evangeline's face furrowed in subtle confusion at the piece of writing in her hand. Lily waltzed over to her

"Lovingly" She read almost instantly, the word rolling off her tongue fluently. She humbly prided herself, quietly, continuing down the page. "He took her lovingly by the hand."

"What's your book about?" I spoke up, leaning back against my bed.

"It's about the daughter of a nice man, who remarries after his wife dies, and the stepmother's horrible to her." Lily cuts in.

"Why doesn't the man stop her from being horrid?" Evangeline asks her curiously.

"Fathers all turn bad once their wife dies. They don't care anymore" Simon mutters loudly, turning around to look at all of us. I turn to him quickly, tilting my head and trying to figure him out. I couldn't.

"Simon, your father cares about you." I reassure, keeping my gaze fixated on him. My father left me to fight in the war when I was 6. For all I know he could be dead.

I think he wanted to become a soldier because he lost the love of his life and lost his mind. It was revenge in an odd way, and he didn't know how to take his mind off her any other way. He loved me but I reminded him of her so much that he left me - atleast that's what I tell myself.

"No he doesn't. Does he read to Chrissy like he use to? Or play cricket with us like he use to? Or even sing to Aggie? No, we hardly see him!" I can't help but finally break my gaze, aware of the anger underneath Simon's words.

"He loves you Simon, you know that. He's just had a lot of things on his mind since-" Evangeline starts before being cut off.

"Since mother died." Simon finishes, words dry and bitter. Tension fills the air as I uncomfortably shift on my bed. Simon had been recently getting increasingly mad at his father.

I didn't really understand it. He was still here, still breathing. Surely that's better than nothing?

"You use to be close as anything." Evangeline states, trying to reason with him.

"Not anymore. All he cares about is getting himself a new wife."

"I don't know if that's true or not, but perhaps it would be nice to have a new mother." She says. I look up to see Simon staring at the floor.

"Do you know anything about the world Evangeline? Whoever he marries will be vile and treat us like slaves" Lily exclaims. I can't help but lighten my mood at her animated voice.

"You don't know that!" Evangeline protests.

"Plenty of hard evidence for it. There isn't one stepmother in there who isn't even half decent. They're an evil breed, who even likes other people's children anyway?" Eric speaks up, placing a giant book of fairytales in front of Evangeline.

"I like you" She suggests.

"Yes, but you're a servant. You're paid to like us" Eric states, and I sit up at his words. Evangeline's features flash with hurt, eyes widening. She excuses herself and walks out of the room, the hurt still evident.

"That wasn't very nice." I can't help but state through the silence. My voice trembles lightly, apparently bothered by all the talk of mothers and fathers. I had gotten good with ignoring my feelings, but not that good. Simon looks at me, seeming to be the only person to figure out somethings wrong.

"Don't you think you may have-" My voice catches in my throat, and I sigh gently. "-Hurt her?" This time my voice is rid of emotion.

Eric challenges me from across the room, but I shake it off. "It's just a thought." I stand up and walk back towards the door. I'm halfway down the hallway when I hear loud footsteps behind me. Someone grabs my wrist and spins me around violently, my hair whipping my face. I see Simon staring at me, his eyebrows furrowed, deep in thought.

I give him a serious look. I'm not one to go against Simon and his siblings, but sometimes they bring it too far. Simon only frowns at me.

"We didn't mean it." He whispers, but his words still come off as playful.

"That's what you always say." I counter, crossing my arms over my body. Simon shakes his head, so I nod back.

"But we weren't wrong." I sigh softly at this statement, crumbling slightly.

"Don't you think you're being a little bit...dramatic?" I explain, and Simon scrunches up his face in protest. "I mean, your father is still here, isn't he?"

Simon nods after a few moment of silent. He steps closer, looking down at me with a quizzical look.

"Yes. But being here is different to caring." His words take me off guard, and I'm plunged into self doubt for a few moments.

"You're right, sorry." My voice lightens, giving him a moment of victory. He smiles, abruptly pulling me into him. I realise he's hugging me, but not the kind you give to someone you're saying goodbye to. I laugh slightly, wiggling in his grip.

I'm about to object once more playfully when he speaks up again. "We should go break into the kitchen!" He exclaims.

"Yes!" Chrissy says excitedly, I turn my head to see all the children looking at us, meaning that they heard our whole conversation. I step out of Simon's grip, tucking loose strands of hair behind my ear. I feel my face heat up, and have to steady myself to make it stop.

I watch as Simon's face covers with an evil smirk. "That's not a bad idea, although I pass" I say, his smile drops slightly.

"C'mon Lucy" Sebastian begs, gripping my hand as he pouts. I think for a second.

"Yeah Lucy." Simon mocks subtly. "Don't be such a buzz kill."

I scrunch my face at him, hitting his shoulder lightly.

"It'll be fun" Chrissie joins in.

"Fine" I sigh in defeat, laughing at their pleads. The siblings run back into their bedroom, excitement buzzing in the air. I'm about to follow them when Simon stops me for one last time.

"Because you apologised, I'm also sorry..for being overdramatic." Simon whispers in my ear and I look at him. I know he wasn't fond on apologising, so I can't help but smile.

My smile soon turns into a smirk as I clasp my fingers together. "So, What's the plan?" We run back into the bedroom, as Simon began to devise an idea. Deep down, I had a feeling I'd regret this decision by the morning.

Luciana Grace // Simon Brown FanficWhere stories live. Discover now