Chapter 11

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The morning after we walked to a small beach not too far away from the Brown's house. I realised how isolated and defensive I had acted yesterday, even though all I was trying to do was protect everyone. I continuously apologised to the kids and thanked Nanny McPhee for saving Chrissie. After all, it was long overdue.

Simon and Sebastian were guiding kites as the other kids played in the sand, I sat on a huge rock reading and breathing in the beaches smell. "Children, your father has asked me to tell you that there's a Mrs Quickly coming for tea tomorrow." Nanny McPhee spoke up as I stood up and walked over to Simon and Sebastian.

"Nanny McPhee?" The youngest boy asked once I joined them.

"Yes sweetheart?"

"Can you stop Papa from marrying a horrible stepmother?" Simon turned around at this comment, non of the children wanted their dad to remarry.

"I'm afraid not." The kids then asked even if she wanted to, could she do it.

"Even if I wanted too. I cannot interfere with affairs of the heart." She spoke her words very carefully as the other kids looked away in disappointment. When none of the kids were looking, Nanny McPhee glanced over to me, causing a huge blush to light up my face.

This tiny crush on Simon certainly wasn't tiny anymore, in fact maybe it was more than I thought. "Perhaps Simon could talk to him about it."

"He won't listen." Simon turned back around, and I felt bad. Surely Mr Brown would find it in his heart to listen to Simon, maybe not agree but listen.

"I'll come with you...if you let me have a go..." I giggled at Simon as I gestured towards the kite handle. He considered it before returning the smile and handing it to me, but helping me guide it. It sent butterflies into my stomach but I tried ignoring it as much as I could.

We acted like we were more than just best friends, but he had never returned the feelings to me. "I hope Evangeline's okay," I spoke up after a while, Simon put his hand on top of mine as I almost let go of it. He didn't move his hand from there and I felt small standing in front of him.

"She is, she's finally being taught English like she always wanted." I nodded, agreeing with him as I gave the kite back to him. The kids were huddled around Nanny McPhee and it was obvious it wasn't by coincidence.

"Y'know I keep thinking about what I would have done if you were taken." Simon pauses slightly, looking at me in the eye. I didn't look away "But then I remember I wouldn't have allowed you to go."

• • •

Simon and I stood outside Mr Brown's work place, which is where they made coffins. The building looked small and cosy but had a dark feeling to it. Simon walked in first and talked to two men behind the counter, eagerly insisting to let Mr Brown talk to him.

They let Simon through, and he flicked the curtain apart as Mr Brown looked at him surprised. "Simon, my boy, come in." He smiled at Simon as he slowly walked over to him. I stayed positioned at the doorway, listening to the conversation in case I had to step in or something.

"Come on, I won't bite." Simon picked up the pace, and stopped in front of Mr Brown.

"Father, there's something I want to ask you." I poked my head through the red quilt that was hung up. Walking into the room to watch this father-son moment.

"Of course, anything at all. Ask away." Mr Brown sounded reluctant so Simon got straight to the point. "Who is Mrs Quickly?"

Mr Brown sucked in a huge breath, his face going pale. "Good heavens, such a face. She's er... She's a...she's a- a friend." He stuttered out slightly, questioning his answer almost.

"Just a friend?" Simon questioned, challenging him almost. "Well let's face it my boy, it's not- not any of your business now." Mr Brown raised his voice at the boy slightly as I took a step closer to the two.

"It is if your going to make us have a new mother."

"Who said anything about a new mother?" At that moment, I felt so vulnerable and I don't know why. Why is getting a new mother so bad?

"It is true isn't it? You are going to marry her aren't you?" There's a long pause before Mr Brown raises his voice once again.

"You go too far Simon. It is not your place to questi-"

"But I didn't!"

"Don't...Contradict me!" He yelled at Simon, when all he was trying to do was find out who Mrs Quickly is. Now would be a good time to stop this. I tried to say something but Mr Brown continued. "You two are children. You do not understand the adult world. You know there are certain things...certain things...You will leave me this instant! Go home at once, go home!"

Mr Brown sounded fed up but it was evident that we were all angry at one another, some more than others. Simon stormed passed me and to the door "You never Listen!" He yelled before disappearing beyond the curtain.

"Mr Brown," I whispered "I've seen this happen before, my father completely turned away from me after my mother passed, he barely even spoke to me towards the end..." I didn't realise tears were beginning to well up in my eyes.

"Just...Don't turn out like my father... please don't, for Simon's sake" I pleaded but with that, I walked out of the room. Tears blurring my vision as I ran to catch up with Simon, but he didn't dare stop. He ran straight through the door to his house leaving me to fend for myself.

I stood there for a second, I hated when I brought up my parents, I hated it. I then yelled out to myself in frustration, kicking a rock near my foot as tears continued to fall down my face. Falling into a helpless heap on the floor, I didn't bother stopping the tears from rolling.

I was frustrated, I was mad, I was upset. My mothers passing ruined me at such a young age and then my dad loved me so much, used me to fill the giant hole in his heart. But when that didn't work he left to work in the army, to busy himself with jobs to stop him from thinking about mother. Because I reminded him of her so much.

Did he ever think about what I was feeling? Of course not.

I sat there for a while, sobbing my heart out in hopes to feel relief. My knees and legs were coated in dirt as I hugged them towards my body. I let my feelings all out of me until I felt like me again. I was a heavy breather when I cried, but after I recollected myself I stood back up. I walked into the Brown's household, where I didn't know if I belonged. But before I walked in, I caught Simon looking at me from the window.

By now, all the children knew that we were going to pull pranks on Mrs Quickly to drive her away, so they didn't get a new stepmother. Simon had been talking about it all afternoon, getting things ready and when dinner rolled around everyone sat at the table in silence.

The silence though, was soon broken by a knock at the door. Nanny McPhee went and answered it and when she came back, a tall man was standing behind her.

"Luciana, Mr Brown, someone would like to speak with you." I looked up quickly as Mr Brown stood up but tensed when I saw who the visitor was.

It was a tall man, with brown hair and a scar across his face. The resemblance was unmistakably striking, and I felt my heart plummet to the bottom of my chest as I realised who was in front of me.

My father.

Luciana Grace // Simon Brown FanficWhere stories live. Discover now