Chapter 17

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I exited the black carriage as I was met with the side of the Brown's household. It has been a while since I've seen this place, just under a month anyway. It seemed like a lifetime ago I was living in the house, being one of the children.

Adelaide was standing through the door, greeting Mr Brown as Evangeline stood on the other side of it.

"Aunt Adelaide, may I present my...fiance, Selma Quickly" Mr Brown said awkwardly.

"Selma, this is Lady Stitch" He introduced the two. "Your Ladyness" Selma Exclaimed quickly, dropping to a low, low curtsey. I found this amusing but one of the footmen shot me a glare, instantly making me wipe the grin off my face. My father came around from the side of the ride and looked at me.

"I'll be at the ceremony. Please do be quick." He muttered before storming off in the direction of the wedding.

"Welcome! If I may be so bold, to our humble- nay, lowly festivities. You shall glory upon us from above, the very air about you shines with...with...aboveness." Selma started talking nonsense, making up weird words that I had never heard of.

"A gracious welcome, I must say. Rise, my dear" Adelaide told the woman, who had to be helped up considering how low she curtsied.

Mr Brown led Adelaide through the house as I found myself taking small steps towards the door but still keeping my distance.

"And here we have the children in their..uh, shepherdess outfits- the girls obviously. The boys are...actually, I'm not quite sure what they are but anyway, you can see-" he begun but was quickly cut off by Adelaide herself

"Oh, keep up will you!" She called back to the ex scullery maid, beckoning Evangeline in. Evangeline walked in through the door elegantly with her blue dress, hat and parasol, making her look stunning.

Everyone leaned in towards the hallway, wanting to catch a glimpse of Evangeline, looking as beautiful as ever.

"Who's that?" I hardly caught Sebastian whisper, all of them mesmerised.

"It's a princess" Lily murmured, in her own little world of fantasy,

"A fairy princess" Chrissy corrected her, sounding as happy as ever. Mr Brown smiled as Evangeline continued to walk towards the group and I had never felt so useless in my life. I was watching the most beautiful girl ever walking to the family I was once with and they seemed to recognise her. Maybe they hadn't seen me yet.

"It's Evangeline."

"Straight back, remember your vowels. May I present my adopted daughter, Miss Evangeline Stitch," Adelaide spoke, making me flinch slightly from behind the door. I was suddenly regretting my decision. Should I just give up and walk over to my father? I'm sure Simon doesn't even care anyway.

"What are we doing milling about on this dreary vestibule. Sherry this instant!" Adelaide scolded as Selma started talking. Just do it! I told myself It won't hurt to face the truth, unless of course I have to live with my father for the rest of my life. Yeah, that might hurt.

Mrs Quickly led Adelaide out for some tea as Mrs Blatherwick looked at Evangeline in disbelief, probably completely shocked at how her inner beauty was now showing.

"Delectable to see you again Madam" Evangeline spoke, her voice filled with sincerity. The cook muttered a few words before walking away . "And how nice to see the young people."

"Welcome back Evangeline. You look well. Are you well?" Mr Brown asked quickly, sounding somewhat nervous as she scanned each of the kids faces.

Evangeline smiled "I am most content" she said, although it sounded slightly forced, slightly.

"You must be very happy to be marrying again" she continued as the kids looked between the two.

"Oh yes...I''d you put it? Most content. Of course, good grief." Mr Brown looked down quickly, his smile fading slightly as Adelaide called her.

"Pray, excuse me" Evangeline said before walking off elegantly.

"Are you sure that's Evangeline? It doesn't look anything like her" Sebastian states, looking up to his father.

"Nonsense, she's always looked like that." He says, looking and sounding dazed. The children all look up at him, an eyebrow raised as I smirk ever so slightly. But that look is soon replaced when butterflies fill my stomach and Simon's gaze land on me.

All at once their eyes land on me as I take a few steps forward, into the house. My arms were shaking at my side as I slowly took more steps towards them, flashing an innocent smile. Inhale, exhale.

My eyes darted to the kids in which they were wearing these hideous green and pink dresses, Mr Brown certainly was sugar coating their outfit. They gasped as Mr Brown slipped away from the group leaving the kids.

"Is that..?" Chrissie started but trailed off. Continue walking! I yelled to myself when I was a few metres away from them. Inhale, exhale.

"It's..its Lucy..she looks like an angel" Lily spoke, seemingly surprised by my arrival. I shyly smiled at their compliments, earning a light smile from Lily.

"Lou?" A voice whispered, I looked over to Simon who looked at me in awe. I blushed a subtle pink before smiling sheepishly at him. The other kids looked between us before I averted my eye line down to the floor then back to him.

"Hello," I spoke gently, in a tone I never thought my voice could sound like. Being in the children's presence put me at ease but secretly behind my mask, I was hoping Simon liked me more than a friend, or anything to help me stay!

Before I could step any closer, one of the footmen spoke up and dragged me away from the children and towards the ceremony. Had I done enough?

• • •

The violinists played a very fancy song loudly as Selma and another girl walked down the aisle, two green and pink dyed lambs on leashes being dragged along with them. Flowers and other decorations were placed around the area, sticking to the color scheme that seemed to be green and pink. Making me blend in slightly with my light green, silky dress. Mr Brown stood facing the alter, not even a fake smile was plastered on his face.

My father and I just so happened to be seated next to Evangeline, I kept glancing at Simon, who begrudgingly stood as his new step- mother walked down the aisle. Simon looked at Nanny McPhee before Selma muttered some words to him, a confused expression crossed his face before she muttered those words twice more. I hadn't realized Selma reached the end of the aisle until the musicians stopped playing their instruments.

"Please be seated" the priest said as he turned to face the couple. Tuning the page of his bible before speaking.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here together in the sight of God and in the faces of this congregation to join together this man and this woman In the holy matrimony." I looked over to the other side of the aisle to see Simon, he was whispering something to Tora, a mischievous smile on his face. I knew he was up to something.

I braced myself for what was to come.

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