Chapter 9

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"I hate my best clothes. They're itchy." Sebastian whined. I sighed as I placed my horrendous white sun hat thingy on my head. Whatever it was, it was ugly, and Sebastian was still right non-the-less.

"Well we promised so that's that," Tora said, helping Sebastian tie up his white shirt. There was a loud thump as Simon jumped off his bed. He had been quiet until now, which surprised me. He hadn't complained or wined once, much unlike him and the other kids.

"Tora's right, we should do exactly as we're told. We've been told to put our best clothes on haven't we?" Most kids nodded as I eyed him carefully. Just as I had expected, he had something evil in mind, something that'll get us all in trouble.

"Right. Well I'm going to put my best clothes on," He paused, a cheeky grin spreading across his face. "...The pig." My eyes widened as I suppressed a yell, directed at him. Tora beat me to it.

"Simon No!" She screamed, sounding just as unhappy as me. The rest of the kids squealed in excitement, agreeing to his stupid, bloody plan. The other children giggled and laughed evilly, jumping up and down.

"You get the pig, I'll get the donkey" he gestured to the kids.

"Oh! Please don't!" Tora begged, lowering her voice slightly so she wasn't screaming, but she sounded desperate. My face showed displeasure. After what happened last time I definitely don't want to get in trouble again. The kids ran out of the room quickly, their hats in their hands as Tora tagged along slowly behind them. Simon turned to me once the room was empty.

"What's the matter? Don't you want to do this?" There was a pause before I finally answered, edging towards the window as I bit my lip, hard.

"Not really. I don't want to get in trouble again Simon. Not after Aggie nearly got killed" I ran my finger along the window sill before rubbing the dust between my fingers.

"Please love, what's the worst that could happen?" He walked towards me until his face was inches away from mine.

"Simon." I said, my tone serious. I looked him in the eye and his expression changed, he pouted before stepping and walking towards the door.

"Fine Luciana, suit yourself," He said before poorly storming out of the room. I know he was angry at me but what could I do? I didn't want to get in trouble again, not now, not ever.

I was a little stunned for a while, this could potentially ruin my relationship with Simon and I don't want that. I needed to think so I grabbed my notebook and sat down on the window, legs hanging over the sill.

I did this often; too often. Although the sill was uncomfortable and often dug into my leg, I found some sort of comfort doing it. Even when the wind was strong, I'd sit here by myself and write.

Was Simon really angry at me? I thought to myself as I stared at the escending branches of the trees below me. Far off somewhere, Aunt Adelaide was being tricked by the kids. I picked up my pen and was about to write something in my notebook, but nothing came.

My mind as blank, instead a loud alarm was going off saying I had let Simon down. And as much as I didn't want to commit anymore felonies, I had to make it up to him. Yes, that's what I was going to do. Put my differences aside and act like the Brown's.

I swung my legs over the window and stood up, throwing my book into my bed. I stumbled down the stairs before turning around and running back outside in search of the children.

When I found Mr Brown walking with Adelaide towards a donkey and pig with caked faces full of makeup, I couldn't help but giggle quietly. Adelaide walked over to the pig first, going on about how 'unfortunate' its face was.

I slipped behind them quietly as I found the kids holding a rope that was tied to the donkey. Chrissie was tying something around its neck as the kids pleaded her to hurry up when the rope suddenly snapped.

"Eric stop her! Chrissie stop, she'll see you!" Simon called out as Chrissie started to run away from the donkey, calling for Mr Brown. I acted instantly, my walk turning into a run as I stumbled across the field. I was normally more coordinated, but this caught me by surprise and took me a while to focus. I soon easily caught up with the young girl, grabbing Chrissie and pulling her back before she got to Adelaide.

But I had forgotten about the donkey, and when I saw it heading straight for us I shoved Chrissie out of the way and continued running. I wasn't asthmatic, but I was sure I was having an asthma attack.

Eric was running after me, yelling at me to stop before Adelaide saw me, but it was soon drowned out by Simon's pleads. Without realising, I ran into someone, I spun around quickly to see their aunt staring down at me intimidatingly, Chrissie ran up beside me. We were both caught.

"One of you will do perfectly." She stated, gripping my arm tightly and Chrissie's shoulder as I trembled, gasping for air to fill my lungs. "Not very ladylike perhaps but I can teach you manners." No. No. No. I don't want to leave, I want to stay with Simon. Eric was hiding around the corner as I tried to shake her grip off of me but it was no use.

"I can't seem to find your-" Mr Brown started but stopped when his eyes landed on us, mostly on the young girl beside me. "These are the chosen ones, get them ready and I'll choose one before I leave." Adelaide stated firmly as Chrissie pleaded for help.

"What are you doing?" He questions the Aunt, "The chosen ones? Chrissie and Luciana. Aunt Adelaide your not-?" A small part of me is thankful that he didn't forget about me, but another part feels pressured. I had to get chosen over Chrissie, I had to. "Shut up Cedric and do as your told! Where is my hat?"

Mr Brown is about to respond but is cut off by the sound of a donkey walking towards us. Adelaide lets go of us as the donkey is wearing her hat, and she recognises it right away. "My hat! How dare you." She scolds as the donkey bats her eyelashes at Adelaide. The donkey waves before standing on its hind legs and doing a small dance, while whispering.

Mr Brown kneels down and whispers for Chrissie to run, she obeys, quickly grabbing my hand and running off. Tora grabs her and pulls her back when we reach the children but this only causes me to stumble straight into Simon. "There you are staff! I'm taking this child with me. Get her ready." Adelaide says happily to Nanny McPhee.

The donkey blows a kiss at the aunt and the kids giggle, I slowly untangle myself from Simon, an obvious blush on my face. "Very well, Madame." Nanny McPhee nods as Adelaide is put into a great mood. I straighten up quickly, hiding my face with my hair as I refuse to look at Simon. Lily most definitely saw my blush though.

Nanny McPhee walks over to us, saying her words very specifically. "Do not forget. Someone has to go with your great-aunt and it cannot be the donkey. Can it?"

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