Chapter 8

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The next morning I woke up, the sun making a faint appearance. It seemed to still be quite early, around 5 maybe?

I sat up, rubbing my eyes as I did so and yawned slightly. I looked around to see everything was still, everyone was still asleep.

I tried to go back to sleep several times but after half an hour of laying there I decided to get up.

I sat up once more before swinging my legs over the edge of my bed. My feet touch the floorboards which line the floor as I wrap a wooly blanket around me.

I quietly walk out of the room, blanket still poorly draped around my frame as I make my way down the stairs and to the living room. I end up curled up on one of the couches, drowning in my thoughts.

"Luciana?" I stopped staring off into space and looked up to see Mr Brown.

"What are you doing up so early?" He asked me, slowly edging closer.

"I couldn't go back to sleep" I say quietly, lifting my head up from the couch.

"Mr Brown?" I asked after a few minutes of silence, he looked at me again, his attention turning back to me.

"The kids. They love you, I-I mean your their father. But sometimes I think they forget that you love them too." He left the room after that, so I closed my eyes and fell back asleep.

When I finally opened my eyes again it was bright, the sun shining through the windows in the living room. I stand up, stretch slightly and walk back up to the children's room to see its empty.

I put my blanket down in my bed before walking back down the stairs and to the kitchen table, where the children sit, eating.

"Morning," I hum quietly, smiling warmly. I remembered what happened earlier this morning, the talk with Mr Brown. I really hope he took my word for it.

I sigh quietly before sinking into the chair next to Simon, who's eating breakfast quietly. That's when Mr Brown came rushing into the room, calling for Nanny McPhee.

"Pa!" Chrissie exclaimed excitedly, smiling. The other kids greeted him but he looked a little bit distressed. He spoke again, going straight to the point.

"Now, I have an announcement. Your great Aunt Adelaide is coming for" The room went silent for a second as Aggie started crying. It wasn't long before everyone started complaining.

"Aunt Adelaide is vile and vicious!"

"She's as blind as a bat and we are convalescing, for heaven's sake!"

I couldn't help but think that the kids were right, Aunt Adelaide is a vicious, horrible person to be around, and yes, very blind.

"Now that's enough!" Mr Brown exclaimed, raising his voice, "I don't want to hear anything bad about Aunt Adelaide, she...pays the rent."

"She scares me." Chrissy pouted. I hadn't officially met Adelaide, because every time she came over I'd go out and do my own thing.

"Oh come now. She's only coming for tea. I'm sure you'll all be very good and put your best clothes on." We all nodded slightly, looking down at our food disappointedly.

"...And Nanny McPhee will keep you in order, won't you Nanny McPhee" He smiled slightly at us, motioning to Nanny McPhee.

"I shall do my best sir, in consideration of the fact that today is Sunday and as I'm sure you remember, I am off duty this afternoon." Nanny McPhee replied calmly, Mr Brown's face dropped and a panic look crossed his face.

"Off duty?" Aggie waved her rattle again, the bell sound ringing as we brought our attention to Nanny McPhee.

"Mmhmm" We looked over at Mr Brown when Aggie's rattle sounded again.

"Off duty? When? You can't be off duty. I need you. They need you." He was most definitely panicking inside.

"Sadly, I shall be leaving this afternoon. Thereafter I'm sure the children will do exactly as they're told. Won't you, children?" Nanny McPhee looked over at us expectantly as she spoke.

I looked over at Simon, shocked by the smirk playing up on his lips. Whatever was on his mind was going to get us in trouble whether I liked it or not. Mr Brown sighed and left the room, Nanny McPhee looked at us again before turning and walking up to our room.

"And now, we have to do exactly as we're told." Simon announced as we walked up to our room, nudging me slightly. I really didn't like the sound of that.

Luciana Grace // Simon Brown FanficWhere stories live. Discover now