Chapter 7

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It took quite a long time for everyone to get one spoonful of the glob because of their protests, but eventually we all forced it down, leaving us gagging and coughing in disgust after Nanny McPhee left.

"That was....horrible" Lily says, trying to get the taste out by spitting everywhere.

"Worse." I muttered grumpily, crossing my arms like a little child. "I wanna go to sleep."

"Go to sleep. I'm sure you'll feel better when you wake up" Simon said, trying to be encouraging but spitting out each word.

"When I wake up I'll need to take that goop again." I laid down on my back, closing my eyes slowly.

I was itchy and all my bones ached with every move. After a while of laying there, listening to the kids talking as they got told off by Simon to be quiet I finally fell asleep.

When I opened my eyes again Mrs Blatherwick was in the room with a giant bowl full of a grayish broth with chunks of god knows what in it.

"Get that down ya," The cook said, ladling the broth in a bowl for me, "There's a lot of goodness in a turkey neck."

I sat up as she placed the bowl in my lap, the awful looking food smelling terrible, not trying to be rude.

"That'll put the hairs back on ya chest." She continued, serving Lily the 'soup'. Mrs Blatherwick inhaled loudly, breathing in the fumes before sighing deeply.

"Smell that? That is the smell that forged this empire." Mrs Blatherwick waddled towards the door.

"That pong, is the pong of conquerors. All right men," she raised a hand above to her forehead and saluted, "As you were," She finished before disappearing through the door.

"They actually are starving us," Lily mumbled, looking down into her bowl disgusted.

"I wonder how long it will take for all of us to die."

"Well we don't have a choice, do we?" I muttered under my breath, staring down at the goop curiously.

Tora filled her spoon with some of the broth, bringing it up and tipping it back into the bowl, it landing with a slurpy splash.

I filled my own spoon before dumping it into my mouth.

"See, it isn't that..." I gulped down the broth, the horrible taste on my tastebuds, "...bad" I finished off, frowning slightly.

Everyone shrugged and began shoveling the food down their throats, plugging their nose. All except for Simon who stared down in disgust, I finished my bowl before looking at him.

"Simon?" His eyes met mine, emotionless.

"I'm not eating this slop," he motioned to his food with his thumb, gagging slightly. He could be so stubborn sometimes.

"It'll be over before you know it. Trust me." I reassured, leaning over and poking his side with my index finger.

He looked over at me and sighed before picking up his spoon, filling it with broth and dumping it into his mouth, squeezing his eyes together firmly. It wasn't very long before his bowl was empty, along with the rest of ours.

Luciana Grace // Simon Brown FanficWhere stories live. Discover now