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"Damn," An attractive man in a business suit muttered, his legs spread as he stared at the woman in front of him on the stage. The pink neon light surrounded her body, illuminating every inch and curve. I inwardly cringed as I took a look at the gold band on his ring finger and set his cold glass on the table beside him. The man thanked me silently, never removing his gaze from the woman's backside.

"Shake it!" An uglier man next to the first man demanded, startling me slightly, but I kept my fake smile on and ignored him before moving on to the next table.

It's been 2 1/2 years of working at this strip club, so I've kind of got used to name-calling and shit like that, most dancers do, except for Randy, she accepts no bull. Some skinny white fuck called her a racial slur the other day, she met them outside after her shift and scratched his right eye out, I was there, but if the cops asked I didn't see anything, and neither did the guy with one eye.

I've seen and been through much worse growing up, so that incident hardly fazed me. I live in Los Angeles, California, the home of blazing hot temperatures no matter the time of year, fake lips, and Botox, it was nice in California, but it wasn't home. Cleveland is my home, my friends and family are there.

This club was my last resort, it was the only place I could find that paid enough for me to afford my apartment. I didn't finish school and have no experience working, so I settled for this job. It pays well and the only thing that it hurts is my pride, but just a little bit. I'm not ashamed. When I was about 16 years old I dropped out of school (honestly a stupid decision on my part, another reason I can't get a real job), and a few months later I found out I was pregnant, worst day of my life, my mother and stepdad kicked me out because of my pregnancy. It was never my intention for them to find out, they were overbearing and manipulating and honestly, I hated being there. I had no privacy growing up.

A distant cousin on my father's side told me I could move with her, so I did. I scraped up enough change for a plane ticket and left for California that week. A couple of months later she moved in with her boyfriend and left me her apartment, signing the lease over to me in the process. Her father even paid the rent for the next couple of months to help me out, they were truly blessings. At around 4 months pregnant I had a miscarriage, it was a weight off my shoulders for sure, but at the time it put me in a dark place, depression was a bitch and I used the wrong ways to cope. With no way to contact my "Parents," I said fuck it and got on my grind to fix my life. I found myself working at a shitty strip club to pay bills, I am making good money so it is worth it in some sense. I'm not a whore, so let's get that out of the way, most strippers aren't and if they are who cares, it's their body, they can do whatever they want to do with it. The women I work with are incredibly nice to me and are genuinely great human beings, I may not be super close to any of them, but we're like a sick family.

I dance a little, make drinks, and bring drinks to customers, I get my money and leave, that's all there is to it. I don't suck dick for money, that's someone else's job.

I sat in front of my mirror and began scrubbing my face with my makeup wipes, mascara is a bitch to get off. When I was done removing my makeup, I took off my jet-black wig and washed my face. I then proceeded to change into a pair of jeans and my favorite sweatshirt. It felt so good to have comfy clothes on and no makeup.  As I began to walk I received a notification on my phone, it took a split second for me to check it and not realize I was walking in the path of another human being. They too were not paying attention we both collided and my dumb ass ended up on the floor.

"Shit I'm so sorry-" he began, I shook my head, assuring him I was okay,

"It's no problem," I finally made it to my feet, I brushed off the back of my jeans and looked up at the person who put me on my ass, immediately my voice got caught in my throat, God does hate me.

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