Chapter 14- Attack

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Y/N P.O.V.
I looked at the rest in the back. They were all crowed together in the backseat out of breathe.

"Are you guys alright" Niall asked them looking at the rear view mirror.

"Yea. We got most of the stuff we needed" Liam said panting.

"We just didn't get some of the medical things I planned on getting for your leg" Louis said.

"It's fine thank you Louis" I said back holding my leg which started to bleed again. "I think we'll have stuff back at the prison".

"Just keep your leg elevated-" Louis was about to say before we heard a loud boom.

Niall stopped the car. He looked at us confused and we just gave him the same look. He got out of the car and checked the car to see if anything was wrong with the car. He walked to the door. "We popped a tire. But I that noise seemed to be something else". He frowned. "There noise when heard was louder".

Zayn got out to help Niall fix the tire. The rest of the guys got out to watch out for any walkers while Eleanor sat in the driver's seat across me.

"How are you feeling" she asked me.

"Like I cut my leg" I gave her a small smile before holding my leg cause me to wince. "How about you?"

"Not dead yet" she said relaxing in the seat. "I nearly got bite. But Louis saved me" she blushed.

I smiled and looked at the rear view mirror to see Harry kill a walker. "What do you think that noise was?"

"I honestly don't want to think the worst. What worried me was that it came from the direction of the prison".

"I thought the same thing" I sighed.

The rest of the boys got back in the car.

"I'll drive" Eleanor said closing the door. "I know the way back".

"Good choice" Niall said getting on one of the boys so they'd fit.

Eleanor started the car. "Did you guys fix the tire?"

"Kind of we just put tape. There wasn't any spare tire" Zayn responded.

Eleanor started to drive back until the car came to a stop. She pushed the gas but the car didn't budge. She looked at the monitors on the dashboard. "Great! We're out of gas". She fused. "We literally have a quarter of gas that should have been enough for at least a mile! We just moved 3 feet!" She groaned.

"Calm down El" I assured her. "We would have run out of gas anyway".

Liam opened the car. "She's right and we can't be that far from the prison". He got out as the rest of the boys got out.

"We better keep moving though before the walkers start coming out". Niall said.

Eleanor got out and slammed the door.

We all looked at her.

"Sorry sorry" she groaned.

I got out and started slowly walking towards the others. Eleanor immediately came over to help me.

Niall came to my other side. "I can help her if you want. You lead the way". He told Eleanor.

Eleanor nodded and started leading the way back.

Louis looked at my leg. "You should walk much it's going to get infected". He said getting closer to me. "Niall can you carry her?".

"No I'm fine. Don't worry were almost there anyways".

Niall just picked me up anyways. "Yea I got her". He smiled at me.

Louis chuckled a bit and started walking with the rest.

Every once in a while I'd tell Niall to put me down so he wouldn't get tired.

~ 25 minutes later ~ 5 miles later ~

Eleanor stopped suddenly. She turned around. "They're gun shots up ahead".

The boys got out their guns and I started walking back.

We heard the gun shots get louder as we got closer to the prison. I made Niall put me down so I'd walk and decided we take the way around through the shrub and trees. The gunshots never stopped. Once we got to the back we saw the watchtower on fire. We saw people shooting at the  walkers and our people.

I gasped looking at the scene. Eleanor was in shock. "We have to go help" I called limping to the fence.

Eleanor ran after me. She looked for the spot on the fence with a cut that was closed with wire. The boys ran after us. Once we were in we saw walkers roaming around us. All of us shot and stabbed the ones close to us and we made it to the watchtowers. Daryl was there with Carol (tbh I ship Carol and Daryl so much ) shooting walkers and the people that were attacking us.

Carol reloaded her gun. She saw us and told us what happened. "Go inside and help the younger ones!" She screamed resuming her shooting.

We all ran inside the cell blocks to help. Rick was there getting his guns ready. "There you guys are!" He said loading the sniper" We're under attack the governor brought a f**king tank! That bastard!" He looked at us and started telling us what to do. "Liam Niall and Zayn get a gun and help out the front! We're NOT going to let them take our home! Harry Louis go to the back and help the sick get into the bus we need to be ready to go incase anything happens! Eleanor Y/N go help get supplies and the infants to the bus!" There boys left to do what they were told immediately. I was about to go when Rick grabbed my arm. "Please protect Judith and Carl if I don't make it" he frowned.

"Of course I will" I said catching up with Eleanor. I went to the area where Carl and Judith would be at. Carl was there getting the medical supplies. He hugged me when he saw me and told me Tyreeese got Judith and was heading on the bus.

"What happened to your leg?"

I looked down to see more blood streaming down. I was caught up in  the moment that I didn't feel any pain. But as Carl mentioned it I felt it start stinging. "I cut myself by accident killing a walker".

"We need to get you cleaned up or you'll get infected" Carl said concerned.

"Don't worry I'll be fine. I'll clean it up in the bus we don't have time" I said grabbing the supplies well need.

We heard a gunshot right when we were about to leave. We looked at each other and hid behind the concrete wall.

I updated 2 days in a row!! Yay!! Thank you guys for the support I'll update tomorrow I promise :) please vote thank you soo much!

A fact about this book is my goal for every chapter is to be over 1000 words not including the authors note in the beginning and the end.

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