Chapter three

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Derek's room:

Derek's pov:

My face was throbbing , good thing though is that I don't have a concussion or any signs of a brain bleed but I think I'm going to have a multi colored face for a while and I think I might have a broken nose. What I didn't expect was for Meredith to walk through the door, she looked beautiful , she is my wife and I need to keep it that way.

D: Meredith what are you doing here

M: while I came into work and I saw you and Alex fighting, he says he's ok and he told me to tell you that he's sorry

D: I deserved this though I cheated on you Meredith, I'm so sorry

M: just because you deserved this doesn't mean I want you to get beaten up, I don't want my kids to loose their father, I have to go I just came in here to make sure you're okay

D:ok , but when do you think you will be ready to talk ?

M: I don't know I'm still really angry at you

(Meredith exits the room)

Later that day ~

Phone call to Cristina, Meredith's pov:

I decided to call Cristina considering she has been through this before but then again their marriage disintegrated and now she lives across the world.

M: hey Cristina it's me Meredith

C: hey mer why are you calling is something wrong what happened ?

M: nothing life threatening happened but Derek did cheat on me with a woman in DC

C: did he actually , oh I'm going to fly to Seattle and kick his ass how could he be so reckless

M: Alex already kicked his ass so save the flight for another time , what should I do Cristina, I'm so angry at him and I hate his guts but on the other hand he is still the love of my life. He's Mcdreamy

C: my how you have changed, where has my dark and twisty person gone, anyways do you want to try to save you marriage or do you want to call it quits, do you think you will be able to forgive him after screwing another woman?

M: that's the thing, I don't know if I can forgive him, I thought we were past all of this hard stuff but I guess not, I want to try to save my marriage though because he is the father of my children and he is the love of my life but I don't know how we move past this.

C: you will figure it out mer you always do, well I have to go kick some ass in my next surgery,keep me updated with the whole MCass situation

M: ok talk to you later

Owens pov:

I saw that Derek was back and I saw him fighting with Karev but I don't know why, I guess I need to go do my job and figure out why my doctors are fighting.

(Owen enters Derek's room)

O:hey Derek what brings you back here to Seattle

D: didn't you hear I assumed the whole hospital would know what I have done by now

O: nope I'm at a loss here, you are going to have to tell me what you did because I have no clue what you are talking about

D: well I cheated on Meredith with on of my research fellows

O: wow um I'm surprised that you would do that considering you have gotten everything you want, the perfect wife, kids house... And you still wanted more I don't understand

D: well you should understand considering you cheated on Cristina

O: that was different she aborted our child a child that I could have loved, last time I checked you had two beautiful children a wife and a place to call home plus a once in a lifetime job so I don't understand why you would cheat on Meredith

D: I don't owe you an explanation for my screwup trust me the only person who will get my un divided attention and everything I can give is Meredith because I owe her everything

O: good luck with that

D: I don't want to end up like you and Cristina did, Meredith is the love of my life and I can't live without her

O: well maybe you should have thought about that before you thought with your penis and decided to have sex with another woman

(Owen walks out of the room and slams the door) 

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