Chapter Seven

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( Meredith and Derek both exit the doctors office no go out into the hall )
M: well that session went well, what time are you off today?

D: ya it went well we made progress I'm relived to know that you still love me and I still need to get my schedule from Owen. Just let me know when you are off and we will go home together since we came together.

M: you doubted my love for you? I love you so much I don't know why you would doubt that considering I wasn't the one who cheated. I'm off at 8:45 tonight see you then.

Merediths pov:

I made my way to the to the attendings lounge to change into my scrubs. I bumped into Alex on the way there

A: hey how are you and MCass

M: Alex you can't call him that, and we just went to marriage counseling, how's your hand?

A: well he is a McAss and my hand hurts but I push through it so that I can operate, speaking of that, does Derek have a job?

M: ya he is working under Amelia though, I don't know how that is going to work but he's getting his schedule from Owen today

A: hopefully he doesn't try to get Amelia fired and take her job, anyways I have surgery now see ya later Mer

Derek's pov:

I just got my schedule from Owen and it turns out I don't start working till tomorrow so now I have time to kill. I guess I better go talk to Amy about me working under her. I walk around and then I see her walking towards the OR

D: hey Amy wait up

A: hey Derek what do you want, do u want me to give you your job back because that's not happening

D: on the contrary, I came to tell you that I have changed and that I will respect working under you. My sister is my boss. You don't have to worry about me pegging for your job.

A: ya we will see about that, tomorrow I only have a couple cases, I guess you can have my aneurysm, see I see that face, you are not happy with just an aneurysm you want the big fancy cases

D: no I'm ecstatic to do it, I haven't operated in so long. Well I have to go take care of some stuff see you tonight Amy if you are coming home. Wait are you and Owen a thing?

A: I don't know what we are, I really like him though

D: have you two have sex?... Never mind I don't want to know about my sisters sex life

A: ya I wasn't going to tell you if we had sex or not anyways, bye Derek

I decided that I would kill time by going to watch one of Merediths surgeries I haven't watched on in a while. I heard some of the nurses gossiping about how Merediths big streak just ended. I walk in and take a seat, it looks like a laparoscopic colon resection. Meredith has so much pose in the OR she is amazing. Some other doctors come in, I don't know who they are but they ask me what surgery this is. I explain to them what it is. I get kinda carried away and by the end I have told them that she is my wife and how much I love her. I ended up getting totally off topic. The surgery was going to take another hour or two so I decide to go visit the kids in the daycare.

Merediths pov:

I'm going a laparoscopic colon resection, this is a very minimally invasive surgery and it's quite routine so I'm quite relaxed. As I'm operating I notice that Derek entered the gallery, I look back at my patient and focus on what I'm doing but I can feel that he is staring at me. Some other doctors come in and I don't think that they realized that the intercom was on so I heard everything. I heard everything that Derek said about me. It was really sweet but then I remember that he cheated on me and it brings back the pain that he has caused. A little while later he ends up leaving. After my surgery I go to the cafeteria to grab some food. After grabbing my food I sit down with Maggie, Alex, and Callie. When I sit down Maggie and Callie just start firing questions.

Maggie: hey how are you mer I heard that Derek cheated on you?

C: are you guys getting. Divorce?

M: guys slow down I just wanted to eat and no Derek and I are going to try to fix our marriage, and I'm fine I'm just hungry and I want to try to eat.

C: how are you guys going to fix your marriage, Arizona and I never recovered

M: we are doing marriage counseling and I really don't want to get a divorce it will be too hard on the kids anyways can we please change the topic

A: Maggie are you still dating that radiologist?

Maggie: well we went on one date but he never called me back, what do you think that means?

A: it means he's not into you

M: Alex don't be such an ass

A: sorry well I have to go I have surgery see you guys later

C:me to I'm on the same case as Karev

Maggie: seriously mer how are you, do you want me to watch the kids so that you and Derek can have some alone time?

M: no it's ok, we had marriage counseling and we really don't need any a lone time at the moment but thanks for the offer, well I have to go I have surgery as well see you later Maggie and good luck with that  radiologist

(Later that day after Merediths shift)

Derek's pov:

I go to the attendings lounge to meet Meredith, on my way there I pass some fellow surgeons and they all seem to be giving me dirty looks. I guess everyone knows that I'm a cheater. Once I get to the attendings lounge I saw Meredith getting ready, once she came out we went to the daycare to retrieve the children. The drive home was really silent, I subtly tried to hold Merediths hand but as soon as she felt my fingers try to grab her  hand she pulled away. The whole ride she stared out the window.

Merediths pov:

The drive was really silent, the usually short drive felt like it was taking forever. I felt Derek try to grab my hand but I pulled away. I miss holding his hand but we still have a ways to go in fixing our relationship. Finally we go home, we both worked together to feed the kids, bathe them and then put them to bed. We were both silently cleaning up from dinner, then Derek breaks the silence.

D: where do you want me to sleep tonight ?

M: well I think it would be best if you continued to sleep in the guest room for a while

D: ya I guess, but it's lonely, what time do you have to be at work tomorrow?

M: well your only option is for you to sleep in the guest room and I have to be at work tomorrow at 6 am ,would you be able to drop the kids off and pick them up from daycare, I have a 24 hour shift. What time do you start tomorrow?

D: I start at 9 and end at 8:30 so I can take care of the kids. I'm also working the same time on Wednesday.

M: ok, goodnight Derek

D: goodnight Meredith,i love you

M: by the way our next session is this Friday

Sorry for the Delay on updating I have just been so busy with school work and stuff. Anyways rate and review tell me what you guys think about this story so far :)

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