Paul & Peter

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"Come on in." I moved aside for Paul to walk in.

He looked around once inside. "This is a nice house."

"Thank you." I walked into the living room, Paul following behind me. "How exactly did you find where I live?"

I turned around to face Paul, waiting for an answer. "Oh yeah, my friends mom works with yours and your mom offered for them to come over for dinner sometime."

I rose an eyebrow. "That doesn't really answer my full question."

"Your mom gave my friends mom your address, I came to say hi."

I nodded. "Is that all you wanted to say?" I stayed a few feet away from him, cautious as I remembered what Peter had told me.

"Well I wanted to ask about that weird kid." Paul sat down on my couch. "Pietro, is it?"

I sat down, keeping our distance. "Peter." I corrected him. "What about him?"

"I just want to know how you know him. You seemed really close with him today." Paul scooted closer to me.

"We met a year ago." I answered, watching his every move.

"How did you guys meet?" Paul moved again, this time directly next to me. Our thighs were almost touching.

I then took this time to read his mind. But as I focused on him, I couldn't read anything. It was like there was something blocking me from seeing into his mind.

"We met at the Pentagon. I was taking a tour for a college course I was taking. He was there with his little sister." I half lied.

I tried to read Paul's mind and then felt an intense pain pierce through my head. I winced, bending over slightly and grabbing onto my head, closing my eyes tightly.

"Are you okay?" Paul asked, grabbing my arm. I suddenly felt better.

I looked back up at him. "Yeah. I just got a really bad headache."

"You sure?" Paul slowly let go of my arm. I nodded.

"Do you want a drink?" I stood up, moving into the kitchen.

"Water will be fine." Paul said from behind me, signaling that he had followed me into the kitchen.

I got out a glass, filling it with water and handing it to him. Then I proceeded to do the same for myself.

"So Sky, what's your favorite band?" Paul asked, sitting down at the kitchen table.

"It changes frequently. It honestly depends on what mood I'm in." I sat down next to him.

"Well, what mood are you in right now?" Paul asked, leaning his arms onto the table.

"I'm not in a mood. I have to be listening to a song to decide what mood I'm in." I copied his actions by placing my arms on the table.

He lent back in his chair. "Well then, what's your favorite type of music?"

"Alternative. It's the best kind." I smiled. Paul smiled back.

"You're not like other girls." He lent his arms on the table again. "You're so different. Your style, taste in music. Even your friends. And there's something about you that I can't put a finger on."

"I've never been like other girls." I whispered, standing up with my glass of water and lent against the counter. I drank half of the water in the glass.

Paul stood up, walking towards me. "And that's what I like about you." He placed his hands on my hips. I stared into his eyes.

"You like me?" My voice cracked slightly.

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