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When the vision dream thing went away, I slowly opened my eyes. It was pitch black in my house. I lifted my body off the ground. Everything hurt. The images of the twins frightened faces replayed in my mind. Along with the word STARK.

I walked into my room and checked the time on the clock. It was already the next day. I walked into my bathroom and took a shower, then moved to my closet to find some clothes for the day. School would be starting in a few hours so no use to go back to sleep.

When I decided that I looked reasonably good for the day, I went downstairs and made some food. As I ate my waffles, I remembered the events that took place yesterday. I would have to clean that living room sooner or later.

I put my empty plate in the sink and moved to the living room. I tried my best to wash the red sauce off the walls and carpets, but not all of it came out. I was so dead when mom would come home.

I gave up after an hour or two and got my stuff together before heading out the door and teleported to school.

All day I tried to figure out what I had seen. One of their names was really close to Peters. But it couldn't be him.

"Did you hear the news?" I turned my head slightly.

Pauls friend was talking to another kid. "The bombing in Sokovia last night." My eyes widened slightly. I had seen what actually happened. I quickly closed my locker and headed towards the front doors. I had suddenly got sick to my stomach.

"Sky!" I ignored Paul's call. I just walked quicker. "Skylar!" He grabbed my arm and I winced in pain, ripping my arm out of his grasp. When he had touched me, it felt like that part of my arm was being burned. I looked down at my arm. There was a handprint and it was a dark red color and was stinging.

"What did you do?" I held my arm, looking back up at Paul.

He stared in shock at my arm. "I-I have no idea."

"I have to go." I quickly turned around and finally made it out the doors.

"Where you going?" Peter made his appearance in front of me. I walked around him. "Sky." His voice now held worry.

"Something happened last night, Peter." I explained as I kept walking.

"Yeah, the Sokovia thing." He walked along side me.

"No." I stopped and turned to face him. "I saw it. I don't know how but I did."

Peter gave me a confused look. "How could you see it?"

"I don't know!" I threw my hands up in the air. I then continued to walk home.

"Hold on." Peter cut me off again. I moved around him. "How do you know that it wasn't a dream?"

I stopped again, facing him. "I can tell you two of the children's names that survived. And I also saw it last night before anyone knew about it."

"They haven't found any survivors yet."

"And when they do. Come and get me and I can tell you their names" I walked away again. Thankfully Peter didn't follow, but I sorta wish he had.

At home I laid in my room for hours, staring at the ceiling. My mind was thinking about everything. The twins, the way Paul burned my arm, and Peter.

Then out of nowhere, a loud bang came from outside. I jumped, sitting up on my bed. I walked to the window, carefully peering over the ledge and saw a couple of cars that had hit into each other.

My eyes slowly widened as I saw Paul standing in between the two vehicles. It's as if they had ran into him. But he was completely unfazed by it all. Not a single scratch. I ducked down from the window, hiding as Paul walked up to the front door.

I ignored his knocking on the door. He sounded angry. Or maybe worried. After several minutes he stopped. I waited for about 5 minutes before I finally stood up and moved back to my bed.

As I laid down I prayed that I had been dreaming all along today.


I woke up that night to the smell of something burning. I was engulfed in a strong warmth.

Opening my eyes I screamed as I saw the flames covering my room. My fücking house was on fire!

Quickly I moved to my closet, picking up an emergency bag that mom and I put together a few months ago. Then I grabbed my backpack and ran to the door, coughing uncontrollably.

The door handle burned me as I touched it. I moved to my window, opening it and attempting to breath in the fresh air, which only resulted in my lungs filling with smoke.

"Sky!" I looked down at the ground. Peter and his mother stood below me. "Jump!"

I then noticed how far from the ground I was. But I had to do this. I would have teleported but the smoke had blurred my vision slightly and clouded my brain.

I threw my bags down at Peter and he handed them to his mom. I then carefully sat out on the ledge. Then I took the jump. My eyes were closed tight as the wind whipped around me.

Then I was safety in the arms of Peter. He ran across the street, his mother behind us. He set me down on my feet, hugging me close to him.

That's when I noticed I was crying. I've never cried in front of people before, besides mom. I had been taught my whole life to not let people see my weaknesses.

"Honey you are more than welcome to stay with us until your mother comes home." Ms. Maximoff ran a comforting hand along my back.

I nodded into Peter's chest as I continued to sob. Peter put his head on top of mine and ran a hand up and down my back. And soon I had calmed down enough to look back at the house.

My room was the only room on fire.


Can I just say how much I love you guys?!

We have reached 2k reads guys!! Whoop whoop!!

Q: What's up with Paul? Why was her room the only one on fire?

Farewell for now.

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